Print an Asset or Equipment Item Report from the Equipment Hub

You can print reports for asset and equipment items directly from the Equipment hub.

The reports that you access in the Equipment hub are the same reports in Reporting > Equipment.

To print an asset or equipment report from the Equipment hub:

  1. From the Navigation menu, click Hubs > Equipment.
  2. On the Equipment form, complete one of the following actions to select the asset and/or equipment items to include in the report:
    • In the Search field, select one or more asset or equipment items to include in the report.
    • Do not select any asset or equipment items if you prefer to select the items from the report options dialog box, as described for the Select Equipment to Print option in the next step.
  3. On the Equipment form toolbar, click Print, and then click one of the following options on the submenu:
    Print Current Equipment On the Equipment Reporting dialog box that opens, select the report that you want to print or view for the equipment or asset item that you have open and displayed on the Equipment form.
    Print Active Group On the Equipment Reporting dialog box that opens, select the report that you want to print or view for the multiple equipment or asset items that you have selected on the Equipment form.
    Select Equipment to Print On the Equipment Reporting dialog box that opens, select the report that you want to print or view. Then, in the Selection field for the report, select the equipment or asset items that you want to include in the report.
  4. On the Equipment Reporting dialog box, click in the Options field for the selected report, make any changes to the report options on the report options dialog box, and click Apply to return to the Equipment Reporting dialog box.
  5. On the toolbar of the Equipment Reporting dialog box, click Preview to preview the report.
  6. On the report preview screen, click to print the report.