Copy an Asset Item or Equipment Item to Create a New Item

Use the Copy Current Equipment option if you want to create a new asset item or equipment item that is similar to an existing item.

This option may save you time because you will not need to manually enter the information that is copied and prefilled for the new item.

For asset items: Information that is entered in the Unit Association grid on the GL Book tab of the Equipment hub is not copied to the new item. The employee assignments on the Assignments tab of the Equipment hub are also not copied. And, any attached documents are not copied to the new record.

To copy an asset item or equipment item to create a new one:

  1. In Hubs > Equipment, open an existing asset item or equipment item to copy.
  2. On the toolbar of the Equipment form, click New > Copy Current Equipment.
    Some of the information that is entered for the existing asset or equipment item prefills on the tabs of the Equipment form for the new item.

    If you copied an item that was generated from a purchase order, the purchase order information does not get copied to the Purchase Order tab for the new equipment item.

  3. On the various tabs, enter information for the new asset or equipment item.
  4. Click Save.