Connect Administration Grid Options

Use the grid options to filter the list of records, edit records, install Vantagepoint Connect, perform synchronization functions, update mailbox options, and delete or refresh associated records. The options available on the grid may vary depending on the mail configuration and tab or sub-tab that you are using.


Grid Header Options

Field Description
Click this option next to a grid row on the Provisioning and Users tabs to select the entire row. Or, you can select this option at the top of the grid to select all grid rows.
Filter Column When the grid displays a large number of records, you can use a filter to refine the list of records. Click in the blank filter field above the column that you want to search and then enter the value that you want to locate. The grid updates to display the records that fit the criteria that you specify.

To remove the filter criteria for a grid column, click the x at the right in the filter field.

Actions Options

Depending on the tab or sub-tab on which you are working, one or more of the following actions may be available for the selected grid.

Field Description
Edit User Select this option to open the Edit User form and edit the user's record to update their name, group, employee number, email, and synchronization information. See the Edit a Provisioned User procedure for more information.
Install Vantagepoint Connect for Microsoft Outlook This action is only available for Exchange configurations. If using Outlook, select this option to install the Vantagepoint Connect Add-in for the user in Outlook. See the Install Vantagepoint Connect Add-in procedure for more information.
Enable Synchronization Select this option to enable synchronization between Vantagepoint CRM and Connect. After you enable synchronization for a user, Connect automatically synchronizes the mailbox every 15-20 minutes.
Force Synchronization When synchronization is enabled, use this option to manually force the synchronization to occur immediately.
Reset Mailbox Select this option to return the user's mailbox to its original state, before Vantagepoint Connect was installed. This removes all previously synchronized contacts, appointments, and meetings. After you reset a mailbox, you can select the Delete option for the user.
Delete Select this option to delete the selected record from the grid.
Download Logs Select this option to download a log of the selected record's statistics or activities.
Open Job Select this option to open the job related to the selected item.
(Column Options) Click this option on the top right corner of the Groups, Provisioning, and Users grids to display options related to the grid columns. Use these options to clear the grid filters and to specify the columns that are displayed and hidden on the grid.