Find Words That Sound the Same

The Find words that sound the same when performing searches preference allows you to locate names and words that sound the same in lookups across all hubs and applications..

Hub record searches can sometimes return many duplicate records. Typically, these are cases where you either do not know the correct spelling of a name or you cannot easily enter the keystrokes or keyboard shortcuts for accent marks and special characters used in other languages. When you enable the Find words that sound the same when performing searches preference on the General tab of the My Preferences dialog box, you can quickly find records that have variant spellings, diacritical (accent) marks, and special characters, as illustrated in the following name examples: Steven/Stephen or Tony/Toni or Rene/Renee or Smith/Smyth/Smythe.

For more information about setting up this search preference and finding lookup records that sound the same, see Set the Preference to Find Words That Sound the Same and Find Words That Sound the Same.