Contacts Summary Pane

The Contacts Summary pane displays the contact's key information, such as status, associated activity and project, and the person responsible for the contact relationship. The Summary pane remains visible as you move from one tab to another.


The following fields display on the left pane of the Contact Summary. As you add a new contact record, you can also add information in these fields. Or, you can update these fields as needed when editing a contact record.

If your enterprise uses CRM Plus and enables the Lead Qualification process in Settings, the fields that display on the Summary pane are dependent on the Status of the contact. Refer to each field description for further information.

Field Description

This field displays the contact's status and a color indicator:

  • Active: The contact is currently being pursued.
  • Inactive: The contact is not being pursued and does not display in Contact lookup lists. However, any links that were created for the contact prior to the inactivation or termination remain.

    When a qualified contact's status is reverted to disqualified, the status changes to Inactive and the indicator turns gray.

To change the status, click and select the new value.

The contact's status is also represented in the Contact lookups with icons that act as visual indicators. See Contact Status and Qualification Indicators for additional information.

Qualified Status

This field displays if your enterprise uses CRM Plus and enables the Lead Qualification feature in Settings > CRM. As a contact's level of interest in doing business with your firm evolves, use this field to track it:

  • New lead: Select this status when the contact is a new lead for your firm and does not have any associated firm or project records.
  • Qualify: Select this status when the contact meets your firm's business rules and you would like to pursue projects with them. The Qualify Contact dialog box displays and you can create a new firm or project record to associate with the contact. You can then associate the qualified contact with a marketing campaign. The Status Date field automatically updates with the date on which the contact was qualified.
  • Disqualified: Select this status when a contact is not worth pursuing. When you disqualify a contact, use the Status Reason field on the confirmation dialog box to specify the reason. Note that when a qualified contact's status is reverted to disqualified, the Status changes to Inactive and the indicator turns gray.
  • Revert to Lead: When the contact's current status is Qualified, you can select this status to change the contact back to a new lead. If the contact is linked to a firm or project, you are prompted to confirm, because all associations with those records will be lost.

To change the qualified status, click and select the new status. Note that the default setting for Qualified Status is established in My Preferences. See Qualifying Contacts for additional information.

Status Date This option displays if your enterprise uses CRM Plus and enables the Lead Qualification process in Settings. This display-only field shows the date on which the contact was qualified or disqualified. If you are creating a new contact, this field displays the current date and will update automatically on the date the contact is qualified. Use this information to track the number of leads or contacts that were qualified or disqualified during a specific time frame.
Status Reason This option displays if your enterprise uses CRM Plus and enables the Lead Qualification process in Settings. This field displays on a confirmation dialog box when you set the contact's status to Disqualified. Click and select a reason for the disqualifying the contact; for example, Cannot Contact, Lost, or Not Interested.
Owner Select an employee who is primarily responsible for the relationship of the contact.

This field displays the source of the contact, which is where or how your firm first encountered the contact (for example, Client Referral). To change the source, click and select the new value.

Most Recent Project / Project Name If the Lead Qualification process is not enabled in Settings, or if it is enabled and the contact is qualified, this field displays the name of the most recently added project with which the contact is associated.

If the Lead Qualification process is enabled and the contact's qualified status is New Lead, or it is Disqualified and the contact has never been qualified, this field label is Project Name. In this case, the field is a text entry field. If the contact has a project that you may be interested in pursuing, you can use this field to enter the name or description of the project. You cannot associate the contact with an actual project in the Projects hub until the contact is qualified. This entry is for temporary reference only. When you qualify the contact, the field label changes to Most Recent Project, and this entry no longer displays.

Role This option displays if your enterprise uses CRM Plus and enables the Lead Qualification process in Settings. When the contact's qualified status is Qualified, this field displays to indicate the contact's role on the project.
Last Activity This field displays the date of the last activity with which this contact is associated as well as any notes entered for that activity. The last activity is the activity with the most recent date for the period up to and including the current date. Activities dated in the future are not considered.