Final Print a Purchase Order

A purchase order must have an Approved status before you can final print it.

A purchase order's status is automatically changed to Printed when you final print the purchase order. After you final print a purchase order, to make any further changes to it, you must enter a change order.

To final print a purchase order:

  1. On the Navigation menu, click Purchasing > Purchase Orders.
  2. On the Purchase Orders form, use the Search field to select a purchase order to final print.
  3. On the toolbar of the Purchase Orders form, click Print > Print Current PO.
  4. In the Purchase Order Version section on the General tab of the Purchase Order Form Print dialog box, click the Final (Mark as Printed) option.
    This option is enabled only if the purchase order has been approved and it has not yet been final printed.
  5. On the Purchase Order Form Print dialog box, select any other options that apply.
  6. Click the Run button on the dialog box to final print the purchase order.
    A preview copy of the purchase order displays in a dialog box on your screen.
  7. Use the icons on the toolbar in the preview dialog box to make page setup adjustments, download the purchase order as a file, print it, or email it.
After you click Run on the Purchase Order Form Print dialog box, the following things occur:
  • The status of the purchase order changes to Printed.
  • The Final (Mark as Printed) option on the print dialog box is no longer activated for the purchase order. To print a purchase order again after it is final printed, use the Reprint option on the Purchase Order Form print dialog box.
  • Asset items and equipment items may be generated automatically from purchase order line items.