Cancel a Purchase Order

After you final print a standard or service purchase order, you cannot delete it.

However, you can cancel a final printed standard or service purchase order if an accounts payable voucher has not yet been created for it. If a voucher has been created for a purchase order that you want to cancel, you can create a credit invoice transaction to reverse it.

You can cancel a final printed standard or service purchase order if you are the originator who created the purchase order or if you have editing rights for purchase orders. Editing rights are assigned in the Buyers grid on the Buyer tab in Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > Company (Edit All PO check box).

When a purchase order is canceled, any asset items or equipment items that were created from it are deleted automatically in the Equipment hub.

You cannot directly cancel a blanket purchase order using the instructions below. However, you can cancel a blanket purchase order by entering a release or a change order for it. On the change order, enter an amount in the Not to Exceed Change Amount field in the Change/Cancel Orders grid on the General tab of the Purchase Order form that when added to the original not-to exceed amount (entered on the Agreement tab of the Purchase Order form) will net to zero. You can also enter the date that you cancel the blanket purchase order in the Revised Period To Date in the Change/Cancel Orders grid.

To cancel a purchase order:

  1. On the Navigation menu, click Purchasing > Purchase Orders.
  2. On the Purchase Orders form, select the purchase order to cancel.
  3. Click Process > Cancel PO.
    The Process option is enabled only if a purchase order is final printed.
  4. In response to the confirmation dialog box, click Yes to continue with the cancellation.
  5. On the Cancel Order dialog box, select the reason for the cancellation and click OK.
    You are returned to the Purchase Orders form. On the General tab, a row has been added to the Change/Cancel Orders grid to identify that the purchase order has been cancelled. The Status field shows Cancelled.