Tender Fields and Buttons

Use these fields and buttons when you create or view tenders.

Above the Tabs

Field Description
Tender # This field displays a tender number that TrafficLIVE automatically generates when you create and save the tender.
Tender Name Enter a name for the tender. The name must be a minimum of three characters.
Description Enter a tender description.
System Status Select a system status, for example, Part Awarded. The default status for a new record is Unawarded.
User Status Choose a user-defined status, for example, Progress.
Due Date Select a tender due date.
Owner Choose an owner for the tender. This defaults to the logged-in user.

Below the Tabs

Field Description
Add Tender Click to create a tender.
Issue Tender Click to issue the tender.
Cancel Click to discard any changes that you have made to the page.
Update Click to save changes that you have made to the page.

Overview Tab

This tab displays, in a graphical format, the tender responses and awarded values. It allows you to compare the awarded values side-by-side.

Line Items Tab

Use this tab to view and edit the tender line items.

Field Description
Supplier Choose a supplier for the line item and review or add prices. This list is blank until suppliers are assigned to the tender. You assign suppliers using the Suppliers tab.
Fgn Currency Click to enter foreign currency prices received from the supplier.
Column Selector Wrench Click to display the Column Selector Profiles pop-up and select the columns that you want to display in the view.
# This column displays the item line number.
Tender Item This column displays the line item description. Click in a cell to add a description or to edit an existing description.
Status This column displays the tender status for each line item.
Quote # This column displays the linked quote number. Click on the link to view the quote details.
Job # This column displays the linked job number. Click on the link to view the job details. A tender cannot be awarded without a linked job.
PO # This column displays the linked purchase order number. Click on the link to view the purchase order details. You can create the purchase order directly from the Compare and Award tab.
Spec Use this text box to enter any additional specifications about the line item.
Qty This column displays the item quantity. Click in a cell to edit the data.

Suppliers Tab

Use this tab to assign suppliers to the tender. The assigned suppliers are displayed in the Supplier field on the Line Items tab.

Field Description
Column Selector Wrench Click to select the columns that you want to display in the view.
Supplier Name This column displays the name of the supplier.
Address This column displays the supplier address name. Click in a cell to choose a different address from the drop-down.
Contact This column displays the supplier contact name. Click in the cell to choose a different contact from the drop-down.
Ref Click in the cell to add or edit the information.
Supplier Tender Status This column displays the status of the tender. You can choose an entry using the drop-down. When a tender is issued, this column is automatically updated to Sent. This list is not customizable.
Sent This column displays the date when the tender was issued. You can manually add/edit a date using the field calendar selector. When a tender is issued, today's date is automatically added here.
Received Select the date that a response (price or quote) was received back from the supplier.
Supplier Notes Use this text box to add any additional supplier notes.
Response Currency This column displays the currency in which the supplier will send their prices.
X Click to remove a line item from the tender.
Add Supplier Click to assign a supplier to the tender.

Compare and Award Tab

Use this tab to award the tender and create the purchase order.

Field Description
Item This column lists the items up for tender. If you see an exclamation mark next to the item, this indicates that the tender is not yet linked to a job and cannot yet be awarded.
<Other Columns> Each column represents a supplier. The columns display the prices offered for each purchase from each supplier. The cell colors indicate the following:
  • Red is the most expensive price offered.
  • Green is the cheapest price offered.
  • Gray is in-between the cheapest and most expensive.

The cell border for all awarded values is highlighted in blue. You can compare the awarded values on the Overview tab.