
Use tendering to issue tenders to suppliers, capture supplier prices, and choose suppliers with whom you want to work.

With TrafficLIVE tenders, you can:
  • Create tenders directly from quotes or jobs.
  • Tender to any number of suppliers.
  • Create a single tender using potential purchases from a mixed selection of quotes and jobs.
  • Issue a tender directly to the supplier using outputs matching your brand.
  • Work with suppliers that use different currencies.
  • Graphically analyze tender responses.
  • Create a purchase order directly from the Tender page.

Tender Process

The basic tender process is as follows:
  1. Create a tender from Purchasing > Tenders or from a link on the Quotes screen.
  2. Add line items to the tender.
  3. Assign suppliers to the tender.
  4. Issue the tender.
  5. Enter prices from the suppliers.
  6. Add supplier prices to a quote.
  7. After the quote is converted to a job, award the tender.
  8. Create a purchase order from the tender.

Display the Tenders Page

Click Menu > Purchasing > Tenders to display the Tenders search page. Double-click on a tender or create a tender to display the Tenders page.