Development Module

View learning aids that explain how to configure the Development module and how to work with competencies, skills, career paths, succession plans, the 9 Box, project teams, and mentoring relationships.

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Type Title Description

General Development Configuration

My Employees Development Screen

Managers view and maintain the Career Paths, Development Plans, 9-Box placement, and Succession Plan nominations of a direct report on the My Employees Development screen.

Employee Referrals Additional Configuration

Administrators configure the fields and options that display on Employee Referrals screens, like the Refer a Friend screen, and specify options for collecting National Identifiers and handling duplicate referrals.

Talent Management Development for Administrators - Functional Reference Guide

Administrators learn about all Administration features used to configure the Development module. For detailed instructions on individual Administrative options, find a collection of learning aids that cover all Talent Management modules on the Learning Aid landing page.

Standard Development Reports

Talent Management provides several standard reports specific to the Development module, related to Career Paths, Succession Planning, and Organization details. Reports can be run and the results exported into several format options.

Skills & Competencies


Administrators manage Competencies (Behaviors, traits or knowledge), and Competencies categories, which are used to help match candidates to positions, to provide a basis for appraisal ratings, and to help employees succeed in reaching career goals.


Administrators manage Skills (developed through training and experience) and Skills categories, which are used to match candidates to positions and provide a basis for appraisal ratings.

Acknowledging & Endorsing Skills and Competencies

Managers approve and endorse skills and competencies that have been added to a direct report's Total Talent Profile. Approval and endorsement can be accessed via two different methods: My Employees page and the widget, New Skills and Competencies.

Career Paths

Talent Management Development for Executives, Managers, and Employees - Functional Reference Guide

Executives, Managers, and Employees learn about defining succession plans and creating Career Paths and Development Plans. Administration options and settings available to configure Talent Management. For detailed instructions on these actions, find a collection of learning aids on the Development Module Learning Aid topic.

Create Career Path Templates

Administrators create templates, or sequential lists showing all the possible positions an employee may need to develop the skills and competencies necessary to achieve his or her "Ultimate Job." Templates can be created by job profile, then used by managers for recommendations on an employee's Career Path.

Creating and Managing Career Paths

Managers create Career Paths, which consist of different positions that an employee will need to occupy in order to achieve his or her ultimate job.

Development Plans

Employees and Managers use Development Plans to provide a focused approach to each employee's training and developmental needs. Managers help their direct reports enhance their job skills and become more effective and productive. Employees track their progress and add tasks to existing plans.

Succession Planning

Assigning Succession Plans

Administrators change ownership of a Succession Plan to another executive by reassigning the Succession Plan.

Manage Domino Lists

Managers use Domino Lists, a visual representation of a Succession Plan, to quickly identify where an employee's plan is missing a key person and/or position, and to see what could happen if the employee left his or her position.

9 Box


Administrators configure Scales to customize methods of measuring competency experience as well as rating an employee's performance.

9 Box Configuration

Administrators change default 9 Box configuration, such as whether the content is pulled from appraisal scores or a manually entered score, the layout of content including the x-axis orientation, measurement priority, priority weight, and colors, labels, and descriptions.

View and Manage Employee Potential and Performance Using the 9 Box

Managers use the 9 Box to get a quick, nine-box-grid display of where each employee fits within the organization in terms of performance and potential. Steps show how to manually set an employee’s Overall Potential and Performance Score and how to view Potential and Performance Ratings within the 9 Box.

Mentoring & Project Teams

Create and Manage Project Teams

Managers create and manage project teams through which employees gain skills and competencies by serving on these teams as either team leads or team members.

Launch Appraisals for Project Team Members

Project Team Leads and Team Owners can launch Appraisals for Project Team members and the Team Lead can manage the appraisal going forward. The Performance module must be enabled to use this functionality.

Create and Manage Mentoring Relationships

Employees and Managers use Mentoring relationships to allow employees to connect with mentors who can help the employee develop competencies and skills, expand his or her knowledge base, or gain experience for future growth.