Prompt Check Box

Select the Prompt check box on the Report Wizard Grouping tab to enable the ability to group your report by a designated field contained within the report.

The Prompt check box enables users to send the same report to various stakeholders, but filtered with different groupings tailored for diverse recipients. Fields or columns selected for grouping are called 'prompted.'

When Prompt is selected, users can:

  • Prompt multiple groupings as appropriate.
  • Edit the grouping while viewing the report.
  • Create reports with undefined groupings, allowing the user to set them when running the report.

To group a report around a specific column:

  1. Select the Prompt check box.
  2. Set the display order for the column's contents. Select either Ascending (A-Z) or Descending (Z-A) from the first drop-down list.
  3. From the second drop-down list, select the column around which the report will be grouped.

    The drop-down list displays only those fields that are valid for prompting.

  4. Click Finish.