Resource Summary View
The Resource Summary View provides resource managers with a timeline overview of resource assignments and bookings.
The view displays resources on one line only, with details of the events (budget lines) to which they are assigned and booked. Information is spread across a timeline, with key information such as project name, dates booked, and utilization percent displayed against each project booking.
Use Resource Summary View
Select the Resource Summary view to show the RG Gantt in timeline format.
Timeline Format
When the selected display view is Resource Summary, bookings are shown in Timeline format. In the Timeline format, each resource has a minimum of two lines. The first row is the Booking Row, and if a resource is booked on different events on the same day, week, or month, multiple booking rows display.
Inside the Booking Rows are Booking Entries. These contains information such as task name and hours booked along with a hover text / tooltip option to get more details about the booking. Additionally, adjacent visible booking entries on the same event are merged and the color is the same as the color of the event.
The Utilization Row is the last row of each resource. This row shows the resource utilization to indicate where gaps or overbookings occur. The utilization percentage in this row is the same as the 'Utilization %' in display view.
The Probability functionality is available in this view. If the selected probability is zero, the booking entry does not display.
Headline and Tooltip
The People Planner Web Admin Tool contains two which control how booking entries should be displayed:
- Resource Summary View Headline
- Resource Summary View Tooltip
- Hours (ResourceSummaryEntryValue): Shows the total hours of merged adjacent booking entries.
- From (ResourceSummaryEntryStart): Shows the start of the merged adjacent booking entries.
- To (ResourceSummaryEntryFinish): Shows the finish of the merged adjacent booking entries.
While you can customize the sequence of fields in the header or tooltip, you cannot change the comma that separates the field values, or the colon that comes after the field name. However, field names are translatable. Additionally, the header only shows the field values (without the field name as prefix), while the tooltip always shows the field names.
The default value of Resource Summary View Headline is EventCustomer|EventMainProjectName|Name|ResourceSummaryEntryValue.
The default value of Resource summary View Tooltip is EventMainProjectNumber|EventMainProjectCustomer|Name|ResourceSummaryEntryStart|ResourceSummaryEntryFinish|ResourceSummaryEntryValue|ReasonForRequestText.
Create and Manage Bookings in the Resource Summary View
The Resource Summary view enables you to easily create, edit, reassign, or delete bookings through the context menu. Right-click any of the Resource Summary entries to display its corresponding popup and related fields.
- New booking: Creates a new booking.
- Edit: Use to edit an existing booking.
- Reassign: Use to reassign an existing booking to a different resource.
- Delete: Use to delete a booking.
When refreshed, it is possible that new cells are merged, extended or shortened. Additionally, resource rows may be removed or added. The utilization rows recompute based on the changes made on the resource bookings.
- Related Topics:
- Create a Booking
Use these steps to create a booking in the Resource Summary View. - Edit a Booking
Use these steps to edit a booking in the Resource Summary View. - Reassign a Booking
Use these steps to reassign a booking in the Resource Summary View. - Delete a Booking
Use these steps to delete a booking in the Resource Summary View.