Use Progress to progress schedule or cost data and approve the information before updating the schedule or cost system. Scheduled alerts and workflow facilitate the process by notifying users when they need to update or approve progress.
The Progress type is provided with the system and preset. Progress entries are generated automatically and used to store the progress for the activity and work package until it is approved. Then the Update Source step action places the value into the source system.
For more information about Progress, see Progress Overview.
The Enter Progress view uses the Pending Progress static search to display progress entries that have been generated for the assignee. The progress entries are filtered for:
The assignee equal to the logged in user or to a delegate assignee
A workflow status of active or rejected
To display the Enter Cost or Enter Schedule Progress form:
On the Navigation menu, click Projects » Projects.
On the Projects form, select a cost project to display the Enter Cost Progress form or a schedule project to display the Enter Schedule Progress form.
On the Projects Form toolbar, click Enter Progress.
To see all progress entries that are in the system waiting for progress, run the Pending Progress report. This report should be the first step taken to determine why the progress view isn’t showing records.
To display and run the Pending Progress report:
On the Navigation menu, click Reports » Progress.
In the List View, select the Pending Progress report.
(Optional) Click in the Options column to display the Report Options dialog box where you can customize your report options.
(Optional) Click in the Selection column to specify the record selection criteria for the report.
Click Preview on the Reporting toolbar to generate the report.