Pending Progress Report Overview

PM Compass provides a method to automatically generate progress entries that are either in progress or scheduled to start before the end of the next period. Use the Pending Progress report to print information about progress entries that are yet to be approved or that have been approved in the current progress cycle.

If you are a progress assignee, this report helps you to identify which activities to pay attention to, and to see the list of progress that has been reviewed/approved.

Activities/work packages that have no progress entries (they have a blank workflow status) are not included on the Pending Progress report.

If you are an approver of progress, this report is a great tool to let you know who has not yet submitted their progress.

Use the report to:

As an approver, assessing whether all progress has been made can be challenging. For instance, if an ongoing activity has no reported progress, it could be due to the individual not submitting their progress yet or no progress being achieved during the period. This report will display progress entries that have not yet been submitted. Furthermore, you can view the in-progress status. If a workflow status is Active, it may mean that the progress has been entered but not submitted. The assignee will need to access the Enter Cost Progress form or Enter Schedule Progress form and click Submit.

The Progress type in Administration » Workflow Type Configuration is a system-defined workflow. This workflow type populates the Project » Enter Progress dialog box so that you can update progress information for cost or schedule data that is related to a project.

Report Dashpart

You can use a Pending Progress dashpart to see a multi-project view of all activities that require focus. You can configure the Pending Progress report to display multi-project activities that are, for example, in progress or scheduled to start before the end of the next period. You can also configure the report with specific columns, sub totals and so on. After you have configured the report, you can save a copy and add it as a dashpart.

For more information on the process, see Report/Report Links Dashpart Process.

Filtering the Data

You can specify either specific records or criteria when you define the filter that the system uses when creating the report. Click in the Selection column to display the Project Search Dialog Box.

For more information, see Modify Standard Reports and Specifying Criteria vs. Specific Records (Values).

Report Options

You can use the Options dialog box to customize the report. Click in the Options column to display the Pending Progress Options dialog box which includes the following tabs:

All tabs on the Options dialog box share some common options and buttons.

What do you want to do?

Review the report procedures (use, modify, edit, format, sort, and archive reports)

View location

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