This tab contains general information about the control account, work package, or activity selected in the top grid.
The information in this field changes based on whether you select a control account, work package or activity in the Change Details grid.
Control Account: If the record selected in the grid is a control account, the field name is Control Account and the field displays Control Account ID.
Work Package: If the record selected in the grid is a work package, the field name is Work Package and the field displays Control Account ID / Work Package ID.
Activity: If the record selected in the grid is an activity, the field name is Work Package / Activity and the field displays Work Package ID / Activity ID.
This field displays a description of the selected control account, work package, or activity.
This field displays the current status of the selected work package or control account: Planned, In-Progress, or Complete.
Control Account: The control account duration is calculated as the Forecast Finish minus Forecast Start + 1 day, expressed in months. This allows the Control Account Manager (CAM) to check the length against company guidelines.
Work Package: The work package duration is calculated as the Forecast Finish minus Forecast Start + 1 day, expressed in weeks. This allows the CAM to check the length against company guidelines.
Activity: Activity duration is displayed directly from the schedule. If you do not enter a unit, the unit in Schedule Duration Unit on the Project's Progress tab will be used. If the duration changes, PM Compass recalculates the Forecast Finish date by adding the duration to the Forecast Start date.
When you add a new activity to the grid, you can edit the duration in this field. If you want to use the activity as a milestone, you can add a zero duration in this field. In this case, the activity displays as an ASAP activity type with a zero duration in Model Changes. You can change the activity type in Model Changes if needed.
This field displays the name of the manager assigned to the control account or work package as defined in the cost system.
Click to display the User Search Dialog Box where you can select the control account or work package manager.
Use this option to update the activity baseline dates. This option is available if you select an activity row in the grid and is enabled if the activity is editable.
The Update Baseline Dates to Match the Requested Dates option is identical to the Update Baseline Dates option in the grid.
When you manually select this option, change the duration of an activity, or add a new activity, the activity early dates are updated to match the requested (or early dates) of the activity and the following occurs:
The Update Baseline Dates option in the grid selected.
An entry is added to the schedule change log to indicate the activity has changed.
If there are many activities linked to the same work package, the Workflow Type Configuration option Automatically Updating the Baseline Dates When a Change Causes the Activity Dates to Change is used to determine if the associated activities also get this option selected.
The work package dates are updated using the minimum activity baseline start date to determine the work package start date and the maximum activity baseline date to determine the work package finish date.
In the modeling session, this option is labeled as the PMC Update Baseline Dates field to distinguish the field name from standard Open Plan fields. The schedule change log indicates the setting of this field using the field name Update Baseline Dates. If this option is selected in the Change Details view, it will be set to a Yes or Y during the modeling session.
Field |
Description |
Current Forecast Start/Finish |
These dates come from the live project and are refreshed when you open the Change Details View. They are the Forecast Start/Finish dates from the Forecast Baseline selected on the project Schedule Integration tab. |
Requested Forecast Start/Finish |
The requested forecast dates for control accounts are created by automatically spanning the work package dates. When the requested forecast dates for a work package are outside the control account dates (that is, if the start date is less than or the finish date is greater than the control account dates), the dates for the control account are updated to exactly span the activities. If the work package is not linked to an activity, the requested dates are the dates you manually enter as part of the change request. If the work package is linked to an activity, then the work package requested forecast dates are created by automatically spanning the activity dates. When the dates for an activity are outside the work package dates (that is, if the start date is less than or the finish date is greater than the work package dates), the dates for the work package are updated to exactly span the activities. The requested work package and control account dates are adjusted when they come back from the scheduler. If there are activities, the requested forecast dates for activities are calculated by PM Compass using critical path analysis and the Schedule Forecast Date Set that is set on the Progress tab in the Project Details view:
Current Baseline Start/Finish |
These dates come from the live project and are refreshed when you open the Change Details View. They are the Baseline Start/Finish dates from the Budget Baseline selected on the project Schedule Integration tab. |
Requested Baseline Start/Finish |
Adding a Work PackageThe control account baseline dates automatically expand to encompass the work package requested baseline dates. When a work package is not linked to activities, you manually enter the requested baseline dates when the work package is added or edited in any way. When the dates are edited, the costs are automatically respread. When you edit the baseline dates and the Update the Forecast with the Budget Change option on the Change Details on Form Tab of Workflow Type Configuration is selected, the forecast dates are automatically updated and the costs are automatically respread. When a work package is linked to activities, the work package baseline dates are created by automatically spanning the activity dates. These dates automatically expand to encompass the activities. The requested work package and control account dates are adjusted when they come back from the scheduler. Adding an ActivityExisting and new activities do not display requested baseline dates. |
The EVT group box displays when you select a control account or work package in the top grid. This box displays the earned value technique used by the control account or work package as defined in the cost system.
The Earned Value technique group box may display additional fields, depending on the earned value technique (EVT) specified for the control account or work package. For example, if the EVT is Resource % Complete, this group box also displays a Resource Progress button where you can view the progress of each individual resource assigned to that work package.
When you deselect the Allow changing of Progress Technique for an in-progress Work Package option in Cobra (Project Properties » Preferences » Project), you cannot change the progress technique for an in-progress work package in PM Compass. The progress technique for all in-progress work packages in the PM Compass Change Details view is disabled.
Create a change registry simulation
Create a budget change request
Understand the different date sets