Change Details Barchart Overview

Since they provide an easy-to-understand graphical representation of important project dates, barcharts are widely used by many organizations to communicate information about the project schedule. A barchart is a type of horizontal bar graph that you use to plan and track projects. Because it combines a traditional Gantt-style barchart with a spreadsheet, a barchart view provides a convenient way to view activity start and end dates, durations, and how activities relate to one another.

The Change Details Barchart displays summary information for control accounts and work packages, and scheduling information for activities based on data in the Change Details grid. The descriptions display to the right of each bar. The barchart automatically updates when data is edited; however, it will revert to the original information upon exiting the view if you do not save the change.


The date calculations are based on the calendar from the planning tool.

When PM Compass calculates duration, it takes into account the non-working days and holidays in the calendar. For example, you have a calendar with a regular 5-day work week. You add an activity that starts on a Thursday with a 3-day duration. The activity bar on the barchart begins on Thursday and ends on Monday because it doesn't include Saturday and Sunday in the 3-day calculation.

Baseline Bars

The baseline bar represents the baseline start to baseline finish dates from the baseline listed in the Budget Baseline grid column on the project Schedule Integration tab.

When you start entering a change, the bars move to the requested dates. When the change class is a budget class, the work package and control account bars move to the requested baseline dates. There are no requested baseline dates at the activity level so the activity baseline bar remains at the current baseline dates. After the change returns from the scheduler, the activity baseline bars represent the change baseline dates.

The Budget Start/Finish date columns in the Change Details grid display the requested dates. You can see the current dates on the Change Details View General tab.

Forecast Bars

The forecast bar displays as follows:

When you start entering a change, the bars move to the requested dates. When the change class is a forecast class, the forecast bars move to the requested forecast dates.

The Forecast Start/Finish date columns in the Change Details grid display the requested dates. You can see the current dates on the Change Details View General tab.

Progress Bars

Activity Progress Bars

An activity progress bar displays on an activity forecast bar.

Earned Value Progress Bars

An Earned Value (EV) progress bar displays on a work package baseline bar and represents Start Date to Finish Date. It indicates whether you are ahead of or behind schedule. If the EV progress bar is beyond Time Now (today), you are ahead of schedule.

EV progress bars are calculated using the following formula: Baseline Start + ((Baseline Finish - Baseline Start) * BCWP/BAC). For example, if the difference between the Baseline Start and Baseline Finish is 10 days, and Physical % Complete is 50% (or BCWP/BAC = .5), the progress bar is drawn to a date that is 5 days after the Baseline Start.

Relationship Lines

Relationship lines are always drawn to the forecast bars for a Baseline Change Request or a Contract Change Request.

Period End Date (red line)

The red dashed line represents today (Time Now) and is the current period end date. If the change is started 3 months earlier, the red line displays at the current period end date.

External Activities

The external activities display as small thin bars for forecast dates. They display to show why an activity that is part of the change is being delayed. They do not have baseline bars and do not indicate critical or in progress.

Bar Colors

The barchart bar colors are based on the bar set that is selected on the Project Details view Schedule Integration tab.  


When you hover over a bar, the tooltip displays the description, the forecast start and finish dates, and the duration of the activity.

Navigate Around the Barchart

What do you want to do?

Insert an activity

Delay the start of an activity

Change the duration of an activity

View location

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