# API Reference

The following section gives an overview of all parts of the configuration API. Each configuration part consists of a JSON object with a set of properties.

# Application

The application name and version.

Properties: version

# version

The version of this particular application. This version number is NOT related to core Maconomy versions.

Type Required Default Value
string true n/a

# Configuration API

The core application configuration is split into four main areas: authentication, platform, shell, and workspace. The entire configuration has an API version used to guarantee compatibliity and enforce upgrades. Finally, the configuration includes a dictionary of the static terms embedded in iAccess. These terms are localized before the client receives the configuration from the REST API.

Properties: api, application, authentication, platform, shell, workspace

# api

The version of the configuration format that this representation conforms to. Versions follow the SemVer standard.

Type Required Default Value
string true n/a

# application

The application name and version.

Type Required Default Value
Application true n/a

# authentication

Authentication determines preferred login mechanism as well as general configuration of the login flow.

Type Required Default Value
IAuthenticationConfiguration true n/a

# platform

General configuration that spans the entire application

Type Required Default Value
IPlatformConfiguration true n/a

# shell

The application shell covers the menu, documentation, notifications and auxiliary features such as settings, change password and about information.

Type Required Default Value
IShellConfiguration true n/a

# workspace

Configuration of general properties that span all workspaces as well as configuration of individual workspaces in terms of data bindings and layouts.

Type Required Default Value
IWorkspaceConfiguration true n/a

# Domain

No description available

Properties: enabled

# enabled

No description available

Type Required Default Value
boolean true n/a

# EmployeeLookup

Configuration properties related to looking up employees for mentioning in messages.

Properties: restriction, limit

# restriction

An optional restriction to be applied when searching for employees. For example: "not Blocked".

Type Required Default Value
string false n/a

# limit

The maximum number of employees that will be loaded for the employee search. Default: 100000

Type Required Default Value
number false n/a

# Formatting

Configure formatting rules for data types.

Properties: amount, autotimestamp, boolean, date, enum, integer, real, string, time, timeduration, pp:color, pp:datetime, pp:double, pp:float, pp:guid, pp:integer, pp:string

# amount

No description available

Type Required Default Value
IAmountFormatting false n/a

# autotimestamp

No description available

Type Required Default Value
IAutoTimestampFormatting false n/a

# boolean

No description available

Type Required Default Value
IBooleanFormatting false n/a

# date

No description available

Type Required Default Value
IDateFormatting false n/a

# enum

No description available

Type Required Default Value
IEnumFormatting false n/a

# integer

No description available

Type Required Default Value
IIntegerFormatting false n/a

# real

No description available

Type Required Default Value
IRealFormatting false n/a

# string

No description available

Type Required Default Value
IStringFormatting false n/a

# time

No description available

Type Required Default Value
ITimeFormatting false n/a

# timeduration

No description available

Type Required Default Value
ITimeDurationFormatting false n/a

# pp:color

No description available

Type Required Default Value
IPeoplePlannerColorFormatting false n/a

# pp:datetime

No description available

Type Required Default Value
IPeoplePlannerDateTimeFormatting false n/a

# pp:double

No description available

Type Required Default Value
IPeoplePlannerDoubleFormatting false n/a

# pp:float

No description available

Type Required Default Value
IPeoplePlannerFloatFormatting false n/a

# pp:guid

No description available

Type Required Default Value
IPeoplePlannerGuidFormatting false n/a

# pp:integer

No description available

Type Required Default Value
IPeoplePlannerIntegerFormatting false n/a

# pp:string

No description available

Type Required Default Value
IPeoplePlannerStringFormatting false n/a

# IAmountFormatting

No description available

Properties: short, decimalPlaces

# short

No description available

Type Required Default Value
unknown false n/a

# decimalPlaces

No description available

Type Required Default Value
number false n/a

# IAuthenticationConfiguration

Set up authentication schemes.

Properties: preferred, methods

# preferred

The preferred method of performing login. This method determines the entry route when arriving from the bare, default '/' URL This setting will be removed in the next major Maconomy version

Type Required Default Value
string false n/a

# methods

Used to disable/enable individual login methods.

Type Required Default Value
Methods true n/a

# IAutoTimestampFormatting

No description available

# IAvailableFormats

No description available

# IBooleanFormatting

No description available

# IConversationConfiguration

Configuration of the conversation functionality.

Properties: enabled, refreshInterval, employeeLookup, conversationTypes

# enabled

Determines if the conversation functionality is enabled in iAccess. For example: "true".

Type Required Default Value
string true n/a

# refreshInterval

The refresh interval in seconds. The list of unread messages in the message center component is automatically refreshed once per this time interval. For example: 60 indicates that the refresh happens every minute.

Type Required Default Value
number true n/a

# employeeLookup

Configuration properties related to looking up employees for mentioning in messages.

Type Required Default Value
EmployeeLookup false n/a

# conversationTypes

A mapping between conversation types and workspaces supporting these conversations. This mapping is used by the message center to open a workspace associated with a conversation, and to navigate to a record to which the conversation is attached.

Type Required Default Value
string -> IConversationType true n/a

# IConversationType

No description available

Properties: workspace, parameters

# workspace

The name of the target workspace for the conversation type.

Type Required Default Value
string true n/a

# parameters

A map of url parameters for the workspace linking to primary keys of the object attached to the conversation.

Type Required Default Value
string -> string false n/a

# IDataExportConfiguration

No description available

Properties: limit

# limit

The maximum number of supported lines to export Default: 10000

Type Required Default Value
number false n/a

# IDateFormatting

No description available

# IEnumFormatting

No description available

# IEnumerationConfiguration

No description available

Properties: limit

# limit

The maximum number of Maconomy popups that should be loaded from the backend. Default: 100000

Type Required Default Value
number false n/a

# IEnums

A list of client-side enumeration type definitions.

# IFormats

No description available

Properties: preferred, fixed, available

# preferred

No description available

Type Required Default Value
string false n/a

# fixed

No description available

Type Required Default Value
boolean false n/a

# available

No description available

Type Required Default Value
IAvailableFormats true n/a

# IGlobalDefinitions

Definitions are used to share common referable concepts and items across different workspaces and areas of iAccess.

Properties: infoBubbles, sizes, styles, colors, tables, searchLayouts, enums, palettes

# infoBubbles

Info-bubbles that can be used across all workspaces.

Type Required Default Value
string -> IReusableInfoBubbleDefinition true n/a

# sizes

Mapping between symbolic names to pixel width.

Type Required Default Value
Sizes true n/a

# styles

Reusable style definitions that can be applied across all workspaces.

Type Required Default Value
string -> unknown true n/a

# colors

Reusable colors used across different workspaces

Type Required Default Value
string -> string true n/a

# tables

Global configuration for tables *

Type Required Default Value
ITableProperties true n/a

# searchLayouts

Layouts used for performing different kinds of searches across all workspaces.

Type Required Default Value
IGlobalSearchLayouts true n/a

# enums

Client-side enumeration types.

Type Required Default Value
IEnums true n/a

# palettes

Palettes containing a list of colors

Type Required Default Value
IPalettes true n/a

# IGlobalSearchLayouts

Represents a hierarchy of search layout configurations. Search layouts are defined per search container where a search will be performed. For example, the field JobNumber on a time sheet line is associated with the search container Find_JobHeader from the maconomy family. Therefore, for searches started from this field, the search layouts for the Find_JobHeader container will be used.

Properties: containers

# containers

No description available

Type Required Default Value
array [unknown] true n/a

# IIntegerFormatting

No description available

Properties: zeroSuppression, short, decimalPlaces

# zeroSuppression

True if zero values should be suppressed.

Type Required Default Value
boolean false n/a

# short

No description available

Type Required Default Value
unknown false n/a

# decimalPlaces

No description available

Type Required Default Value
number false n/a

# ILanguageConfiguration

No description available

Properties: preferred, fixed

# preferred

The preferred locale, e.g., 'da_DK'

Type Required Default Value
string true n/a

# fixed

True if the language is fixed and cannot be changed by the end-user. This removes the language selector from the both login screen and settings dialog.

Type Required Default Value
boolean true n/a

# IMenu

The menu provides access to the workspaces that are available to the logged-in user. A menu consists of workspaces ordered in groups. Different users may see different sets of menu groups and items depending on the user's privileges and context.

Properties: restoreLastWorkspace, defaultWorkspace, groups

# restoreLastWorkspace

Restore the last used workspace on login.

Type Required Default Value
boolean false n/a

# defaultWorkspace

A prioritized list of candidate default or startup workspaces. On startup, this list is evaluated and the first candidate where the condition is satisfied is chosen as default for the logged-in user.

Type Required Default Value
array [unknown] false n/a

# groups

The set of menu groups available in the menu.

Type Required Default Value
array [IMenuGroup] true n/a

# IMenuGroup

A group of workspaces arranged under a common title

Properties: items, icon, expanded, visible, title

# items

The workspaces or links contained in this menu group.

Type Required Default Value
array [unknown] false n/a

# icon

An optional icon for the menu group.

Type Required Default Value
string false n/a

# expanded

Determines whether a menu group is expanded or collapsed on login.

Type Required Default Value
unknown false n/a

# visible

A visibility predicate determining whether this layout part is shown.

Type Required Default Value
string false n/a

# title

An mandatory, localizable title.

Type Required Default Value
string true n/a

# INotificationConfiguration

Represents the configuration of notification reload and recalculation intervals.

Properties: recalculation, types

# recalculation

The recalculation settings determine when the first recalculation of the end-user's notifications occur and what the interval between subsequent recalculations is. All values are specified in minutes.

Type Required Default Value
Recalculation true n/a

# types

Supported notification types as specified in the MNSL files.

Type Required Default Value
string -> INotificationType true n/a

# INotificationType

No description available

Properties: workspace, parameters

# workspace

The name of the workspace

Type Required Default Value
string true n/a

# parameters

A map of url parameters for the workspace linking to the Focus key in question.

Type Required Default Value
string -> string false n/a

# IPalettes

The web client exposes a number of global palettes. A palette can either by ordered or named depending on how it is going to be accessed in the concrete layouts. It is possible to expose a named palette as an ordered one, but it is discouraged to exposed an ordered palette as a named one (using indices).

# IPeoplePlannerColorFormatting

No description available

# IPeoplePlannerDateTimeFormatting

No description available

# IPeoplePlannerDoubleFormatting

No description available

# IPeoplePlannerFloatFormatting

No description available

# IPeoplePlannerGuidFormatting

No description available

# IPeoplePlannerIntegerFormatting

No description available

# IPeoplePlannerStringFormatting

No description available

# IPlatformConfiguration

No description available

Properties: usageTracking, containers, typeAhead, language, enums, dataExport, maconomyContainerWebServiceVersion

# usageTracking

No description available

Type Required Default Value
IUsageTrackingConfiguration true n/a

# containers

Additional configuration for containers on a Maconomy installation.

Type Required Default Value
unknown true n/a

# typeAhead

Configuration of the type-ahead functionality.

Type Required Default Value
ITypeAheadConfiguration false n/a

# language

The language configuration determines default language and whether the end-user can change language.

Type Required Default Value
ILanguageConfiguration true n/a

# enums

Configuration of enumerations.

Type Required Default Value
IEnumerationConfiguration false n/a

# dataExport

Configuration of export

Type Required Default Value
IDataExportConfiguration false n/a

# maconomyContainerWebServiceVersion

The version number of the Maconomy Container Web Service REST API to use. If not specified, then version two will be used.

Type Required Default Value
number false n/a

# IRealFormatting

No description available

Properties: zeroSuppression, short, decimalPlaces

# zeroSuppression

True if zero values should be suppressed.

Type Required Default Value
boolean false n/a

# short

No description available

Type Required Default Value
unknown false n/a

# decimalPlaces

No description available

Type Required Default Value
number false n/a

# IReportRunsDropDownConfiguration

No description available

Properties: initialRefreshReportRunsSeconds, refreshReportRunsSeconds, firstUpdateReportRunsSeconds, secondUpdateReportRunsSeconds

# initialRefreshReportRunsSeconds

The waiting time before the first refresh of the report runs drop down menu is done

Type Required Default Value
number true n/a

# refreshReportRunsSeconds

The waiting time between refreshes of the report runs drop down menu after the first refresh of the report runs drop menu

Type Required Default Value
number true n/a

# firstUpdateReportRunsSeconds

Indicates the wait time before the first report run update after the report run has been started (this allows the report runs to capture the RUNNING report run state)

Type Required Default Value
number true n/a

# secondUpdateReportRunsSeconds

Indicates the wait time after the report report run has CANCELLED, FAILED or FINISHED (this allows the report runs to capture the report run state after it being CANCELLED, FAILED or FINISHED)

Type Required Default Value
number true n/a

# IReportsMenuConfiguration

No description available

Properties: refreshReportsMenuSeconds

# refreshReportsMenuSeconds

The waiting time between refreshes of the reports menu drop down

Type Required Default Value
number true n/a

# IReusableInfoBubbleDefinition

A definition of a reusable info bubble.

Properties: parameters, width, position, title, subTitle, rows, pane, label

# parameters

No description available

Type Required Default Value
IReusableInfoBubbleParameters true n/a

# width

You can optionally specify the width of the Info-bubble: xs: 200 px sm: 300 px md: 400 px lg: 400 px xl: 400 px The default behavior is: 1 column is rendered xs 2 columns is rendered sm >2 columns is rendered md

Type Required Default Value
string false n/a

# position

An optional position of the info bubble. Right is default.

Type Required Default Value
string false n/a

# title

The title or heading of the info bubble

Type Required Default Value
unknown false n/a

# subTitle

The sub heading of the info bubble

Type Required Default Value
unknown false n/a

# rows

The rows or content of the info bubble

Type Required Default Value
array [unknown] true n/a

# pane

The pane used to resolve unqualified references in this scope. If unspecified, the parent scope is inherited.

Type Required Default Value
string false n/a

# label

A Name or Identifier to give this component. This may be used when the HTML is generated, when hyperlinks are generated as well as other processes such automated testing. Please use a value that is completely unique and one which will not require changing at a later date. Doing so may break existing older functionality which relies on the original value you use. Values must not begin with 'dm-' since ths is reserved for internal use.

Type Required Default Value
string false n/a

# IReusableInfoBubbleParameters

Defines the parameters for the reusable info bubble.

Properties: fields, foreignKeys

# fields

No description available

Type Required Default Value
array [string] true n/a

# foreignKeys

No description available

Type Required Default Value
array [string] false n/a

# ISettings

Settings represents formats, language, and other end-user configurable properties.

Properties: formats, minutesThreshold, menuSearch, images, formatting, userInactivityInterval

# formats

The formats configuration determines the data formatting as well as whether this can be changed by the end-user.

Type Required Default Value
IFormats true n/a

# minutesThreshold

The minute threshold determines when a time entry is interpreted as minutes or as hours. Default is '10' which means that an entry of '10' will be interpreted as 10 minutes, and an entry of '11' will be interpreted as 11 hours.

Type Required Default Value
number false n/a

The menuSearch configuration determines if the search component is enabled in the menu

Type Required Default Value
boolean true n/a

# images

The images configuration determines if the images are enabled

Type Required Default Value
boolean true n/a

# formatting

Configure formatting rules for data types.

Type Required Default Value
Formatting true n/a

# userInactivityInterval

The user inactivity interval in minutes. iAccess will perform certain automatic operations, such as periodically refreshing conversations or notifications, only when the user is active. If the inactivity timeout exceeds the number of minutes specified in this property, then such automatic refresh will be paused.

Type Required Default Value
number false n/a

# IShellConfiguration

The application shell covers the menu, documentation, notifications, conversations, report runs and auxiliary features such as settings, change password and about information.

Properties: menu, documentationUrl, settings, notifications, conversations, reportrunsdropdown, reportsmenu, avatar

No description available

Type Required Default Value
IMenu true n/a

# documentationUrl

The URL used for hosted help. Can be a simple string with variables such as version.

Type Required Default Value
string true n/a

# settings

No description available

Type Required Default Value
ISettings true n/a

# notifications

No description available

Type Required Default Value
INotificationConfiguration true n/a

# conversations

No description available

Type Required Default Value
IConversationConfiguration true n/a

# reportrunsdropdown

No description available

Type Required Default Value
IReportRunsDropDownConfiguration true n/a

# reportsmenu

No description available

Type Required Default Value
IReportsMenuConfiguration true n/a

# avatar

An optional avatar that will be shown in the top right corner of the navigation bar.

Type Required Default Value
unknown false n/a

# IStringFormatting

No description available

# ITableProperties

Common table properties.

Properties: columnChooser

# columnChooser

Based on the expression you define if a column chooser should be visible on all tables.

Type Required Default Value
string true n/a

# ITimeDurationFormatting

No description available

Properties: type, zeroSuppression

# type

No description available

Type Required Default Value
string false n/a

# zeroSuppression

True if zero values should be suppressed.

Type Required Default Value
boolean false n/a

# ITimeFormatting

No description available

Properties: useDropdownList, step

# useDropdownList

Indicates if the time-picker should use a dropdown list or the time-selector wheel. You specify true to use the dropdown-list or false to use the time-selector wheel. You can also specify a number to indicate at which number of steps the time-picker should change behavior. Default is 96, calculate as (24 / 1) * (60 / 15).

Type Required Default Value
unknown true n/a

# step

Defines the steps to use for the dropdown list or the time-selector wheel.

Type Required Default Value
ITimeStep true n/a

# ITimeStep

Defines the steps to use for the dropdown list or the time-selector wheel.

Properties: hour, minute

# hour

No description available

Type Required Default Value
number true n/a

# minute

No description available

Type Required Default Value
number true n/a

# ITypeAheadConfiguration

No description available

Properties: enabled, maximumQueueLength

# enabled

This flag enables type-ahead for all workspaces. Default: true

Type Required Default Value
boolean false n/a

# maximumQueueLength

The maximum number of operations that can be scheduled for execution. Default: 5

Type Required Default Value
number false n/a

# IUsageTrackingConfiguration

No description available

Properties: enabled, endUserOptIn, trackingId

# enabled

This flag enables usage tracking for the entire iAccess installation. Default: True

Type Required Default Value
boolean true n/a

# endUserOptIn

This flag enables end-user opt-in notification about usage tracking. When the end-user opts-in, the notification is not shown for a year unless cookies are cleared. Default: True

Type Required Default Value
boolean true n/a

# trackingId

Google Analytics tracker ID can be provided here for custom tracking of iAccess usage.

Type Required Default Value
string false n/a

# IWorkspaceConfiguration

Representation of both general configuration spanning all workspaces as well as the setup of data bindings and layout for individual workspaces. A workspace will, however, not appear in iAccess until it is referred from the menu.

Properties: definitions, workspaces

# definitions

Global definitions contain pre-defined colors and other referrable items that span all workspaces. These definitions are used both for convenience and as a way of ensuring a uniform look and feel across all workspaces.

Type Required Default Value
IGlobalDefinitions true n/a

# workspaces

The collection of all workspaces available to iAccess.

Type Required Default Value
array [unknown] true n/a

# Maconomy

No description available

Properties: enabled

# enabled

No description available

Type Required Default Value
boolean true n/a

# Methods

Used to disable/enable individual login methods.

Properties: maconomy, domain, sso, oauth

# maconomy

No description available

Type Required Default Value
Maconomy false n/a

# domain

No description available

Type Required Default Value
Domain false n/a

# sso

No description available

Type Required Default Value
Sso false n/a

# oauth

No description available

Type Required Default Value
Oauth false n/a

# Oauth

No description available

Properties: enabled

# enabled

No description available

Type Required Default Value
boolean true n/a

# Recalculation

The recalculation settings determine when the first recalculation of the end-user's notifications occur and what the interval between subsequent recalculations is. All values are specified in minutes.

Properties: initialDelay, interval, quarantinePeriod

# initialDelay

The initial delay in minutes between the time the user logs in and when the first recalculation of notifications is requested. The reason for not requesting recalculation immediately is that the server should be set up to recalculate every night such that the notifications are already up to date on login.

Type Required Default Value
number true n/a

# interval

The interval in minutes between each request for recalculation of the user's notifications. Care should be taken when setting this interval as recalculation of notifications can be a very performance intensive process. If the interval is set to a low value then overall system performance may degrade significantly.

Type Required Default Value
number true n/a

# quarantinePeriod

The quarantine period property defines the minimum quarantine period between repeated client requests for recalculation of notifications.

Type Required Default Value
number true n/a

# Sizes

Mapping between symbolic names to pixel width.

Properties: xs, sm, md, lg, xl, custom

# xs

No description available

Type Required Default Value
number true n/a

# sm

No description available

Type Required Default Value
number true n/a

# md

No description available

Type Required Default Value
number true n/a

# lg

No description available

Type Required Default Value
number true n/a

# xl

No description available

Type Required Default Value
number true n/a

# custom

No description available

Type Required Default Value
string -> number true n/a

# Sso

No description available

Properties: enabled

# enabled

No description available

Type Required Default Value
boolean true n/a