System Parameters Group Base

This section describes the system parameters under the Base group.

Parameter Description
Aut. Creation of Contact Person
Employee mandatory for user In this parameter, you can specify whether an employee number is mandatory when creating a user in the Users workspace.
Get on account tax code from tax table
Price Index This index is used for calculating the price of service contracts in the service module.
Standard Week Calendar No.
Length of System Numbers

Using this parameter, you can specify the number of figures to be used in the system numbers transferred from a system number series in the System Numbers workspace.

When a system number is transferred, Maconomy automatically adds the number of zeroes necessary for the number length to comply with this parameter. The zeroes are placed in front of the system number.

Allow Change of Approver
Allow Document Archives with no Company Select this parameter to create a document archive without a company.
Allow multiple levels to be approved by same user
Allow Permanent Blocking of Employees
Allow User Masking for Company Select this system parameter to allow employee masking.
Automatic Update of Future Employee Revisions

Select this parameter to automatically apply changes from the current revision to existing future revision lines.

When you clear the system parameter, you can only update the current revision line. Changes in the current revision are not automatically applied to future revision.

Automatic Update of Reporting Structure Table
Block Unapproved Employees When this system parameter is enabled, all unapproved employees are marked as blocked, and you cannot unblock an employee unless the employee has been approved. If the approval of an employee is rejected or removed, the employee is automatically blocked.
Block Unapproved Users

When this system parameter is enabled, all unapproved users are marked as blocked. They cannot log in unless they have been approved. If the approval of a user is rejected or removed, the user's password is automatically blocked.

The User Blocked checkbox is selected by default for newly created users. These users are blocked, and they cannot be unblocked until they are approved.

Block users when blocking employee

This parameter sets the User Blocked field on a user account when an employee tied to that user is blocked.

When an employee is blocked, any user accounts belonging to that employee are blocked immediately as well.

Note: Employees who are tied to an administrator account are not blocked. Instead, a warning message is displayed indicating that the user is an administrator and cannot be blocked.
Derive Template Employee on Creation
Do not set Company No. for all Document Archive Types
Enable Employee-Vendor Linking Use this system parameter to enable the use of linking rules between employees and outlay settlement vendors. When this system parameter is enabled, the link between employee and outlay settlement vendor is specified on the vendor card, where you can enter a linking rule. This also enables the vendor creation wizard in the employee home. You can only enable employee-vendor linking if there is a one-to-one relationship between employees and outlay settlement vendors.
Enable Usage Tracking
Mail Port and Server
Note Line Width % Similar to the way that the Default invoice line width % system parameter is used in connection with automatic line wrapping on invoice lines, this parameter is used for setting how lines wrap on note lines. Maconomy has an internal line width value of 100%. You can change that value by changing the Note Line Width % field so that the note line width fits the note layout used in your company. If you enter, for example, 120 in the Note Line Width % field, Maconomy makes the invoice lines wider; if you enter, for example, 80, Maconomy makes the invoice lines narrower. If you enter 0, the automatic word wrapping on invoice lines is disabled.
Prevent Archiving of Previous Fiscal Years

This system parameter specifies for how many fiscal years finance entries must be kept. This is used to prevent the archiving functionality from marking too many finance entries for archiving.

For example, if the system parameter is set to 5, then the system will not mark any finance entries having an entry date within any of the five latest full fiscal years prior to the date of running the Mark for Arching action.

For example, if the date of running the action is February 20th 2014 and the fiscal years run from January 1st to December 31st then the archiving functionality can only mark finance entries having an entry date earlier than January 1st 2009. The system parameter prevents finance entries of 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013 from being deleted and the fiscal year 2014 has not yet ended.

Show Todo's for Other Roles Select this parameter for users to see to-dos for all of their roles. Otherwise, they will only be able to see to-dos for current role.
Standard Days Week Calendar No. Enter the calendar number to be used as a default calendar for fixed employee working time. The calendar must use "days" as the time unit.
Synchronize Company No. and Access Level on Document Archives
Use Approve Compensation Agreement Enable this parameter to require approval on Compensation Agreements. Disable the parameter to approve all Compensation Agreements by default.
Use both formal and preferred name on employees and contact persons

This parameter enables formal names on employees and contact persons.

When the parameter is enabled, Maconomy calculates F/M/L names from the existing name on the employee. Because both first and last name are mandatory, it is required that all employee names consist of at least two names.

The name fields are calculated so that if the fields contain two names, it will be split on first and last name. If fields contain three names, it is split into first, middle, and last names. If fields contain more than three names, all but the two last names are added to the First Name field.

Use Calendar Day Table Select this parameter to populate the CalendarDay database table.
Use first/middle/last names on employees and contact persons
Use Internal Names in Import Dialogs Select this parameter to automatically include internal field names and line types when importing information to Maconomy.