Selection Criteria

Use this workspace to set up sets of selection criteria, or queries, that you can use to locate records in the Maconomy database.

For example, assume that you want a monitor to find only those purchase orders for amounts under USD 10,000 that belong to Company 1. You can create selection criteria to find all of the entries in the Requisition table that are associated with Company 1 and have a value of less than USD 10,000 in the Line Total, Currency field.

Each set of selection criteria can contain multiple lines. On each line, you identify the table that contains the data, the field that you are searching on, an operator such as "equal to" or "more than," and a target value. In the preceding example, one line would find all purchase orders under USD 10,000, and a second line would narrow the selection to purchase orders that belong to Company 1.

Note that when you set up selection criterion specifications, it is an advantage to have a basic knowledge of database terminology.