Journal Setup Tab

This section includes fields and descriptions for the Journal Setup tab of the Transactions workspace.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Journal Setup No. Here you can specify a number for the journal setup.

Transactions Island

Field Description
Journal Setup No. Here you can specify a number for the journal setup.
Name Here you can specify a name for the journal setup.

Access Level Island

Field Description
Access Level In this field, you can specify the name of the access level to be assigned to the journal setup.

User Island

Field Description
Created on Copy to come.
Created by Copy to come.
Version Copy to come.
Changed on Copy to come.
Changed by Copy to come.

Journal Types Island

Field Description
Journal Types The journal type. You cannot delete or rename this.
Transaction Type In this field, you can enter the number of the transaction types to be used by the current journal type.
Group No. In this field, you can enter the number of the transaction types group to be used by the current journal type.
Use Transaction Number Series In this field, you can see if the journal type uses Transaction Number Series. If the field is not marked, you should not spend time on defining default transaction number series for the types that are included in the current setup, as they will never be used.
Manual Journal Shows whether the user can select or enter a transaction type when creating the journal.
If this field is not marked, the user is not able to specify a transaction type in this journal; the system will derive the transaction type (the default transaction type of the journal).
Default Transaction Type Mandatory Shows whether the journal must have a default transaction type, since the system will use it when deriving the transaction type.
Note the correlation between this field and the Manual Journal field; they are mutually exclusive. When one is marked, the other cannot be, and vice versa. If this field is marked, the group on the same line must have a default transaction type.

Used by Island

Field Description
Company No. Copy to come.
Name Copy to come.

Transaction Types Island

Field Description
Transaction Type Here you can enter a transaction type to include in the group.
Description This fields shows the description of the transaction type (if a description exists.).
Username Here you can enter the name of a user who can create transactions of the current type and with the current transaction number series.
Number Series Here you can enter the transaction number series associated with the current transaction type and current user, in the current group.
Is Default Transaction Type When marked, this field means that the current transaction type is the default transaction type for the current user in the current group. This is used to derive the transaction type in different dialogs.