
Notifications quickly inform the concerned employees when they need to perform a specific action. Some notifications have been available from 2.6.1.

Click the bell icon on the top right corner of the screen to view the dropdown that lists your pending actions.

Job Home

Notification Description
SubmitJob Appears for the user to indicate the pending submission of jobs. This notification points to the relevant job in the Jobs workspace.
RejectedJob Appears for the user to indicate that a submitted job has been rejected. This notification points to the relevant job in the Jobs workspace.

Draft Invoices

Notification Description
SubmitInvoiceDraft Appears for the user after an invoice selection is approved to indicate that draft invoices are ready for completion. This notification points to the Draft Invoices workspace.
RejectedInvoiceDrafts Appears for the user to indicate a submitted draft invoice has been rejected. This notification points to the Draft Invoices workspace.
PrintJobInvoice Appears for the user after a job invoice draft/draft credit note is approved to indicate that the approved drafts need to be printed. This notification points to the Draft Invoices workspace.

Job Quotes

Notification Description
RejectedQuotationHeader Copy to come.
RejectedJobQuote Appears for a user who submitted the job quote to indicate the quote has been rejected. This notification points to the relevant job quote in the Quotes workspace.

Job On Account Invoicing

Notification Description
InvoicingPlanDue Appears for the user to indicate an invoicing plan is due in five days or less. This notification points to the Invoice on Account workspace.

Risk Management

Notification Description
JobRiskDue Appears for the user to indicate that an owned job risk line is due in 20 days. This notification points to the relevant job in the Risk Management workspace.