Job Parameter Selection Rules Concepts

When you create a job, the job parameter selection rules control what is applied to the job.

This includes:
  • Which job parameters can be applied to the job.
  • Which attribute values can be used in the job parameters
  • Default values for these attributes

In the card part, enter the name and description of the rule and a priority level. You an also identify the jobs to which this rule will apply.

In the Parameter Selection Rule Linestable, define the job parameters that are valid when this rule is applied. Specify default values for the parameters in the Standard Value field.

For example, assume that you have a job parameter selection rule that includes a job parameter of the Revenue Recognition type that has the Capitalization Method attribute with the default value of At Cost. Maconomy automatically assigns this value to any job that you create using this job parameter selection rule.

Using job parameter selection rules, you can define exactly which job parameter attribute values should be assigned to new jobs and which job parameter attribute values should be considered valid for the jobs. You can specify that a certain set of job parameter selection rules should be valid, for example, for all jobs that belong to one particular company.

When you create a new job, Maconomy derives the relevant values for the job based on the job parameter selection rules. Then, each time that you make changes to a given job, Maconomy rederives all of the values that are determined by job parameters (unless you turn off this feature in the Job Parameter Derivation Fields Workspace).

When you create a job and Maconomy derives the relevant job parameter attribute values for the job, Maconomy displays this information in the Job Parameter Selection workspace.


Assume that you have created a number of job parameters in the Job Parameters workspace. These job parameters are now to be combined in a number of job parameter selection rules. Before you create your rules, you create a number of selection criterion specifications of the Job type in the Selection Criterion Specifications workspace in the Set-Up module. You create the following selection criterion specifications:

Selection Criterion Specification No. US
Description Jobs belonging to a US company
Selection Criterion Specification No. German
Description Jobs belonging to a German company

Next you assign each of these selection criterion specifications to a job parameter selection rule.

  • For jobs that match the US selection criterion specification, you define that the following job parameters should be valid: Capitalization = At Billing Price, Pricing Principle = Time and Material, and Events = No Events.
  • For jobs that match the German selection criterion specification, you specify: Fixed Price Set-Up = Fixed Quote Excl. Outlays and Pricing Principle = Fixed-Price.

Now, when you use the US selection criteria, Maconomy will use the US parameters and when you use the German selection criteria, Maconomy will use the German parameters.


Each job parameter selection rule must have a priority, defined in the Priority field in the Job Parameter Selection Rules tab. The lower the number, the higher the priority.

Maconomy uses these priority numbers when multiple rules could be applied to the same job. Using the example above, when you create a job that belongs to a German company, Maconomy applies the rule that uses the values Fixed-Price and Fixed Quote Excl. Outlays.

However, because this rule does not define all available job parameter types, Maconomy attempts to find the remaining job parameter type values in other job parameter selection rules.

This search is based on the selection criterion specification and the priority that you defined for each job parameter selection rule.

When Maconomy finds valid job parameters for all of the job parameter types, Maconomy uses these to set up the job.


If you create a job to which no selection criterion specifications apply, Maconomy automatically uses the default job parameter selection rule. This rule contains default values for all of the available job parameter types.

You cannot assign the default rule to any selection criterion specification.

The priority specified for the default rule determines when the rule is applied. This means that you can set up the default job parameter selection rule to be the first rule that Maconomy considers when it derives job parameter attribute values.

Rederived Values

Each time that you change the fields for a job, Maconomy automatically rederives the job parameters for the job (unless you turn off this feature in the Job Parameter Derivation Fields Workspace).