Job Collections Concepts

Various tasks can be set up to work across all jobs within a collection.

For example, you can specify on a job in a job collection that it shares its invoices on account with all of the other jobs in the collection. This means that the invoices on account on the job are available for reconciliation against invoices on other jobs in the collection.

When you invoice a job that belongs to a job collection where some of the jobs share their invoices on account, you can regard the invoices on account from these other jobs and from the job itself as one big pool from which to reconcile. However, you can still instead select specific invoices on account for reconciliation.

This enables you to use job collections as retainers by invoicing the retainer as invoices on account from one job in the collection (set up to share its invoices on account) and then set up the collection with the jobs that should be covered by the retainer.

The setup of job collections is flexible so that you can add and subtract jobs from a collection at any time.

In addition, you can set up the jobs in a job collection as fixed-price jobs, and for these jobs the on-account reconciliation among the jobs in the collection works as it does for time-and-material jobs. The job collection can contain a mix of fixed-price jobs and time-and-material jobs.

You can set up a job to allow on-account reconciliation across different bill-to customers.

You can specify on a job collection that the jobs in the collection should be blanket invoiced separately. This means that they should not be blanket invoiced together with jobs that do not belong to that job collection. This enables you to blanket invoice the jobs that are covered by a retainer.