Create Draft Invoices

You can create draft invoices for multiple jobs in this workspace.

To create draft invoices:

  1. Under the Batch Invoicing submenu, go to the Invoice Draft Creation workspace.
  2. In the Selection Criteria panel, use the available criteria to display the jobs for which the draft invoices should be created.
  3. Click Apply.
  4. Toggle on Show Lines to display the results.
  5. Click Delimit….
  6. In the wizard that opens, specify information as needed.
  7. Click Delimit.
    Note: A warning message displays if draft invoices already exist on one of more jobs in the table. The system skips these jobs during draft invoice creation.
    The Create Draft checkbox is selected on each applicable line in the table.
  8. Click Create Drafts.
  9. In the dialog that opens, choose a preferred invoice date to apply to all draft invoices.
  10. Click Create.
    The Drafts Exist checkbox is automatically selected on each line after batch draft invoice creation is done.

    Note: If errors occur on jobs during invoice draft creation, these are automatically skipped by Maconomy. You can view which action failed and the cause of failure on the line in the table.