Contract Tab

This section describes the fields and actions on the Contract tab of the Budgeting workspace.

Use this tab to create a contract budget.
Note: This tab is shown only for fixed price jobs where the fixed price basis is either Budget or Quote. It is also shown for T&M jobs with Handling of Overruns or Recognize Revenue by Completion Percentage enabled.

The fields are dynamic and display different information depending on the current job's setup.

Fixed Price Jobs Based on Quote

Attention: The following fields are shown only for fixed price jobs based on an approved quote. You can edit the quote in this tab.
Field Description
Current This field displays the current price of the fixed price job.
New Enter a new fixed price value in this field.
Submitted This field displays the date the current quote was submitted, and the name of the employee who submitted it.
Approved This field displays the date the current quote was approved, and the name of the employee who approved it.
Revision Number This field displays the latest revision of the current quote.

Tab Actions

Button Description
Submit Quote Click this action button to submit a record for approval. After submission, the record status is updated, and this action is disabled until you make additional changes.
Note: This action is shown only for users with the required permissions, and when the job uses approval hierarchies, or follows a simple workflow.
Approve Quote Click this action button to approve the current quote.
Note: This action is shown only for users with the required permissions, and when the job uses approval hierarchies, or follows a simple workflow.
Reopen Quote Click this action button to reopen an approved budget.

Fixed Price Jobs Based on Budget

Attention: The following fields are shown only when you are working on fixed price jobs or T&M jobs with Handling of Overruns or Recognize Revenue by Completion Percentage enabled, based on an approved budget. Maconomy displays the budget type indicated in the job setup.
Field Description
Fixed Price This field displays the fixed price for the current job in the following:
  • Base - the base currency of the job
  • Currency - the job currency
Base This field displays the total fixed price amount of the Billing Price multiplied by the number in the Quantity field.
Currency This field displays the total fixed price amount of the Billing Price multiplied by the number in the Quantity field in the job currency.
Total This field displays the total fixed price of the current job in the following:
  • Base - the base currency of the job
  • Currency - the job currency

Tab Actions

Button Description
Create Contract Budget Click this action button to create a contract budget for the job.
Submit Budget Click this action button to submit a budget for approval. After submission, the record status is updated, and this action is disabled until you make additional changes.
Note: This action is shown only for users with the required permissions, and when the job uses approval hierarchies, or follows a simple workflow.
Reject Budget... Click this action button to reject the current budget.
Note: This action is shown only for users with the required permissions, and when the job uses approval hierarchies.
Approve Budget Click this action button to approve the current budget.
Note: This action is shown only for users with the required permissions, and when the job uses approval hierarchies, or follows a simple workflow.
Reopen Budget Click this action button to reopen an approved budget.
Undo Reject Click this action button to undo rejection of a budget.
Note: This action is shown only for users with the required permissions, and when the job uses approval hierarchies.
Other Actions In the Budgeting workspace, this drop-down list includes the following actions:
  • Remove All Lines - Click this action button to delete all lines in the sub-tab.
  • Recalculate Budget - Click this action button to recalculate prices on the budget lines currently displayed.
  • Copy Budget - Click this action button to copy the current budget.

Table Fields

Note: On parent lines in tree tables, only the Description field is editable. On non-parent sum lines in tree tables, only the Description, Line Type, and Task fields are editable.
Field Description
Description Enter a description for the job budget. If the field is blank, Maconomy automatically derives the description from the task assigned to the budget line.
Line Type Select the applicable type of activity for the budget line. The drop-down list include the following activity types:
  • Time
  • Outlay
  • Amount
  • Milestone
  • Sum/Text
Task Select a task from the drop-down list to assign to the budget line.
Quantity Enter the budgeted quantity for the budget line. For time activities, this field is in hours or days, depending on the time unit on the job.
Billing Price Enter the billing price of the activity on the budget line. The value for non-invoiceable activities must be zero.
Total Billing Price This field displays the total amount of the Billing Price multiplied by the number in the Quantity field.

Table Actions

Button Description

The Row Tools icon allows you to add lines/information to the lines of a record.

For lines in the Full Budget tab, choose from the following actions:

  • Insert Budget Line
  • Delete Budget Line
  • Revert
+ Add Budget Line Click this action button to add another budget line to the bottom of the budget.
Click this icon to export the rows from the current table to a spreadsheet.

Maconomy exports the table, and immediately downloads the resulting spreadsheet to your local drive.

Click this icon to maximize the table view.

Click this icon to restore the default display size of the table.

Click this icon to open the Customize Columns window.