Full Budget Sub-Tab

This section describes the fields and actions on the Full Budget sub-tab of the Budget tab in the Estimating workspace.

Sub-Tab Fields

Note: On parent lines in tree tables, only the Description field is editable. On non-parent sum lines in tree tables, only the Description, Line Type, and Task fields are editable.
Field Description
Description Enter a description for the job budget line. If the field is blank, Maconomy automatically derives the description from the task assigned to the budget line.
Line Type From the drop-down list, select the applicable type of activity for the budget line.
In the Full Budget sub-tab, the drop-down list includes the following activity types:
  • Time
  • Outlay
  • Amount
  • Milestone
  • Sum/Text
Task From the drop-down list, select the task to which you want to assign the budget line.
Empl. Category If the current budget line relates to an employee, select the applicable employee category from the drop-down list for this field.
Note: This field is not shown for the following types of jobs:
  • Those for which the Use Imported Budget Line Resource Allocation job parameter attribute is enabled.
  • Those that utilized detailed time budgeting
Employee If the current budget line relates to an employee, select the employee name from the drop-down list for this field.
Note: This field is not shown for the following types of jobs:
  • Those for which the Use Imported Budget Line Resource Allocation job parameter attribute is enabled.
  • Those that utilized detailed time budgeting
Incl. in FP This check box is selected if the entry that applies to the current job budget line is included in the fixed price of a job.
Note: This field is shown only when the current job is a fixed price job that is set up such that there are lines included in the fixed price and other lines not included in the fixed price.

This field is editable only if the current job is set up such that inclusion is done by task (for example, controlled by the budget).

Qty. Enter the budgeted quantity for the current budget line.
Note: This field is not editable for all Sum/Text lines.
Cost Enter the cost for one unit of the activity for the current budget line.
Note: This field is not editable for all Sum/Text lines.
Total Cost This field displays the product of the amount specified in the Cost field multiplied by the number specified in the Qty field.
Note: This field is not editable for all Sum/Text lines.
Billing Price Enter the billing price for the activity on the current budget line.
Note: This field is only editable for the following:
  • Budget lines on a T&M job
  • Budget lines that are not included in the fixed price where the job is a fixed price job
This field is not editable and remains blank for the following:
  • Sum/Text lines
  • Budget lines included in the fixed price where the job is a fixed price job
Total Billing Price This field displays the product of the amount specified in the Billing Price field multiplied by the number specified in the Qty field.
Note: This field is not editable and remains blank for the following:
  • Sum/Text lines
  • Budget lines included in the fixed price where the job is a fixed price job
GM This field displays the gross margin. Maconomy calculates the gross margin by subtracting the amount in the Total Cost field from the amount in the Total Billing Price field.
Note: This field is hidden for lines included in the fixed price where the job is a fixed price job.
Markup This field displays the markup percentage.
Note: This field is hidden for lines included in the fixed price where the job is a fixed price job.
Click the Row Tools icon to perform any of the following actions:
  • Insert Budget Line
  • Delete Budget Line

Sub-Tab Actions

Button Description
+ Add Budget Line Click this action to add a new line to the current job budget.
Click this icon to export the rows from the current table to a spreadsheet.

Maconomy exports the table, and immediately downloads the resulting spreadsheet to your local drive.

Click this icon to maximize the table view.

Click this icon to restore the default display size of the table.

Click this icon to open the Customize Columns window.