Risks Tab

Use this tab to create, modify, and view risks associated with a specific job.

Selection Criteria Panel

Use the available criteria to filter the risks that Maconomy displays for the job you selected. The application filters the risk lines as soon as you change any of the criteria fields.

Field Description
Show Open Only Toggle on to show open risk lines only.
Status To show the risk lines with a specific status, select an option from the drop-down list.

Available options are customized in the Popup Fields single dialog of the Workspace Client.

Category To show the risk lines from a specific category, select an option from the drop-down list.

Available options are customized in the Popup Fields single dialog of the Workspace Client.

Type To show the risk lines of a specific type, select an option from the drop-down list.

Available options are customized in the Popup Fields single dialog of the Workspace Client.

Risks Tab Fields

Field Description
Risk Profile This field is used by the project manager to specify the overall job risk profile.

To edit the field value, select a different risk level from the drop-down list.

Available options are customized in the Popup Fields single dialog of the Workspace Client.

Approved Risk Fund This field displays the sum of all amounts entered on job budget lines for risk-related tasks, in base currency.

These job budget lines are from the latest approved budget (typically the working budget).

Assigned Risk Fund This field displays the sum of all costs entered in the Assigned Risk Fund column of the Risks Details sub-tab.

The sum is displayed in base currency.

Weighted Assigned Risk Fund This field displays the sum of all costs entered in the Assigned Risk Fund column of the Risks Details sub-tab, multiplied by the values in the Probability % column of that sub-tab.

The sum is displayed in base currency.

Risks Tab Actions

Button Description
Copy Risks from Job Click this action to copy risk lines from another job.