Draft Invoices Fields

This section describes the fields and actions on the Draft Invoices workspace.

Card Part Fields

Field Description
Job This field displays the name and number of the job being invoiced.
Customer This field displays the name of the customer being invoiced.
Type This field displays the invoice type.
Invoice Name Enter a name for the draft invoice.
Payment Terms Select the payment terms to apply to the invoice.
Preferred Invoice Date Select the preferred invoice date. This must be within the open posting interval. If you do not choose a date, Maconomy automatically enters the date when the invoice was printed.
Due Date This field displays the date on which payment is due for the invoice.
Blanket Draft This field displays whether the current record is included in a blanket draft.
Selected for Invoicing This field displays the total price of invoice lines selected for invoicing.
To be adjusted on draft, Summary This field displays the amount to be adjusted based on the changes you make to the draft invoice.
Price Breakdown This field displays the price to be paid. Click the amount to display an info bubble with the details of the breakdown.
Up/Down This field displays the amount by which the invoiceable amount has been written up or down, expressed in the currency of the job.
Billing Address This field displays the address of the bill to customer.

Update the information as needed.

Card Part Actions

Button Description
Click this icon to refresh data in the current workspace.

Click to display the list view.

Click to display the detailed view.

Save Click this action button to save changes to the current record. After saving changes, the record status updates accordingly, and the Save action button is disabled until additional changes are made.
Revert Click this action button to undo changes made to the current record, or to any of its lines.
Submit Draft Click this action button to submit a record for approval. After submission, the record status is updated, and this action is disabled until you make additional changes.
Note: This action is shown only for users with the required permissions, and when the job uses approval hierarchies, or follows a simple workflow.
Print Draft Click this action button to print the draft invoice.
Approval Choose an approval action from the dropdown list:
  • Approve - Click this action button to approve the current record.
  • Reject... - Click this action button to reject the current record.
  • Undo Approval/Reject - Click this action button to undo approval/rejection of the current record.
Note: This action is shown only for users with the required permissions, and when the job uses approval hierarchies, or follows a simple workflow.
Editing Choose an action from the dropdown list:
  • Close Editing - Click this action button to close editing on the draft invoice.
  • Reopen Editing - Click this action button to reopen an approved draft invoice for editing.
  • Restore Editing, Detailed Specification - Click this action button to restore the detailed specification of a previous edit of the invoice. If the previous edit has a document archive, it is assigned to the current edit.
  • Restore Editing, Summary - Click this action button to restore the summary draft of a previous edit of the invoice. If the previous edit has a document archive, it is assigned to the current edit.
  • Copy Editing from Invoice... - Click this action button to specify an invoice from which lines should be copied to the current draft invoice.
  • Copy Editing from Draft... - Click this action button to specify a combination of job number, bill-to customer, and appropriation to point out an approved invoice editing from which the lines are copied to the current draft invoice.
Other Actions In the Draft Invoices workspace, this dropdown list includes the following actions:
  • Show Summary - Click this action button to display the lines from the summary draft.
  • Show Detailed Specification - Click this action button to display lines from the detailed specification.
  • Remove Other Drafts - Click this action button to remove all previous drafts of the current draft invoice.
  • Attach Document - Click this action button to attach documents to the record.