Allowed Actions Tab

This section describes the fields and actions on the Allowed Actions tab of the Vendors workspace.

Tab Fields

The Allow fields control the areas where users can use a vendor, while approval hierarchies control whether certain Allow fields update their values at a certain point in the approval process (after some or all steps in the approval workflow are completed).

For example, you can set up your approval hierarchy to change the value of the Allow Payments field from Yes to Requested if the payment information for a vendor is changed after that vendor is approved. This prevents payments from being made to the vendor until the new information is approved. You can then set up your approval hierarchy to change the Allow Payments field value back to Yes after the new information is approved.

You can still use the Allow fields even without any approval hierarchies set up.

The Allow fields have four available values:
  • None
  • Yes - Select this value to allow users to use the current vendor in the specified area.
  • No - Select this value to prohibit users from using the current vendor in the specified area.
  • Requested - If the Allow Users to Manually Set Allow Fields on Vendors to Yes system parameter is not enabled in the Workspace Client, you cannot manually select the value Yes for any of the fields in this tab. You can select the value Requested in the meantime. If the Changes on Approve single dialog in the Workspace Client is set up to include a line for changing an Allow field's value from Requested to Yes at a specified step in the approval process, then the value for that Allow field will automatically be changed to Yes and users will be able to use the current vendor in the specified area.
Field Description
Allow for use as Subcontractor Use this field to specify whether the current vendor can be linked to a subcontractor. This is validated when the vendor is selected or edited on the employee, and when a time sheet or expense sheet is approved.
Allow for use as Outlay Vendor Use this field to specify whether the current vendor can be used as an outlay vendor. This is validated when the vendor is selected or edited on the employee, and when an expense sheet is approved.
Allow for use as Inter Company Vendor Use this field to specify whether the current vendor can be used as an intercompany vendor. This is validated when the vendor is selected or edited on the company information card (in the Workspace Client) or on an outlay account. It is also validated when the intercompany invoice is created.
Allow for use as Reference Vendor Use this field to specify whether the current vendor can be used as a reference vendor.
Allow for use as Template/Parent Vendor

Use this field to specify whether the current vendor can be used as a template or parent vendor.

You specify a template vendor in the System Information or Company Information single dialog in the Workspace Client.

Maconomy suggests the template vendor as a parent vendor when a user creates a new vendor.

Maconomy validates this when a new vendor is created.

Allow for use as Item Supplier Use this field to specify whether the current vendor can be used as an item supplier. This is validated when the vendor is selected as an item supplier, when an item purchase order is created or edited, and/or when the item purchase order quote is approved.
Allow G/L Budgets Use this field to specify whether the current vendor can be used in a G/L or job budget. This is validated when the budget line is created or edited, and when the G/L budget is approved.
Allow Registrations Use this field to specify whether the current vendor can be used in a general journal or in bank reconciliation. This is validated when the line is created or edited, and when the journal is posted or the bank reconciliation is approved.
Allow Payments

Use this field to specify whether the current vendor can be used for payments. This means you can make a payment selection.

Editing the field value to No or Requested will result in the resettling of payment selections created for the current vendor. To view these payment selections, go to the Change Payment Selection by Vendor single dialog in the Workspace Client.

Allow Requisitions and Request for Quotes Use this field to specify whether the current vendor can be used on a requisition or request for quote. This is validated when the requisition or request for quote is created or edited, and when the requisition or request for quote is approved or copied.
Allow Purchase Orders Use this field to specify whether the current vendor can be used on a purchase order. This is validated when the purchase order is created or edited, and when the purchase order is approved.
Allow Vendor Invoices Use this field to specify whether the current vendor can be used on a vendor invoice. This is validated when the vendor invoice is created or edited, and when the vendor invoice is approved.
Allow Reporting Use this field to specify whether the current vendor can be included in standard vendor reports. Maconomy ignores vendors not allowed for reporting in the following reports if the user has selected Vendor as a dimension:
  • A/P Aging
  • A/P Balance List
  • A/P Suspense Overview
  • Open Entry Statement
  • Periodic Statement
  • A/P Statistics
  • Vendor Information
  • G/L Report Lines