Entries Tab

This section includes fields and descriptions for the Entries tab of the Company Customer workspace.

Entries Tab

Field Description
Transaction No. This field shows the transaction number of the entry.
Transaction Type This field shows the transaction type of the entries.
Journal No. This field shows the number of the journal in which the entry was posted.
Entry Date This field shows the date of the entry.
Entry Description This field shows the description of the entry.
Entry Type This field shows the type of the entry.
Open/Closed This field shows whether the entry is open or closed.
Debit, Standard This is the entry amount in standard currency if the entry is a debit entry.
Credit, Standard This is the entry amount in standard currency if the entry is a credit entry.
Remainder, Standard This field displays the amount which remains to be reconciled in the customer's standard currency.
Block Type This field shows the block type of the entry.
Entity This field shows the entity assigned to the current entry.
Project This field shows the project assigned to the current entry.
Purpose This field shows the purpose assigned to the current entry.
Spec. 2-3 These fields show the values in the dimensions Specification 2 -3 assigned to the current entry.
Local Spec. 1-3 These fields show the values in the dimensions Local Specification 1-3 assigned to the current entry.