Additional Information Tab

This section includes fields and descriptions for the Additional Information tab of the Company Home workspace.

Additional Information Island

Field Description
Tax Settlement Unit Table In this field you can specify the name of a tax settlement unit table. Maconomy will, if specified, use the tax settlement unit table to find a tax settlement unit for finance entries in this company.
Settlement In this field, you can specify which tax reporting unit is to be used for tax reporting to the national tax authorities. You must specify a reporting unit in this field in order to be able to post tax related entries.
If multiple tax codes are enabled, the "Settlement" field will be replaced by the following fields: "Tax Settlement Unit 1,, "Tax Settlement Unit 2," and, if enabled, "Tax Settlement Unit 3." For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in "Tax Codes."
Reconciliation In this field, you can specify which tax reporting unit you want used for tax reconciliation.

Tax Island

Field Description
G/L Tax Table In this field, you can specify which G/L tax table to use for the current company.
Tax Table In this field, you can specify the name of a tax table created in the Tax Tables workspace.
Tax Type, Tax Exempt In this field, you can specify a tax type to be used when invoicing items or activities without a tax code. When posting invoices, Maconomy usually copies a tax type from the selected tax code to the G/L entry that concerns item sales. If you have not specified a tax code for a given item or job journal line, Maconomy copies the tax type form this field to the G/L entry created for the current item sale when posting the invoice. Item sales without a tax code occurs when, for example, tax on a given item should not be calculated.
Standard Vendor Tax Code In this field, you can specify a G/L tax code created in the G/L Tax Codes workspace.
This G/L tax code is used when entering vendor invoices in the Vendor Invoices and Invoice Allocation workspaces, as it will be suggested on vendor invoices belonging to the current company. If you do not enter a standard vendor tax code, Maconomy attempts to find a G/L tax code by using a G/L tax table when you enter vendor invoices for the current company. For a detailed description of this procedure, please see the field "Tax Code" in the table part of the Vendor Invoices workspace.
If multiple tax codes are enabled, the "Standard Vendor Tax Code" field will be replaced by the following fields: "Standard Vendor Tax Code 1," "Standard Vendor Tax Code 2," and, if enabled, "Standard Vendor Tax Code 3." For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in "Tax Codes."

Prefix Specifications Island

Field Description
Transaction Numbers In this field, you can specify a prefix for the company's transaction number series. The prefix can be used for differentiating the current company's transaction number series from those of other companies, if the Maconomy multi-company model is used. Any prefix entered must be larger than or equal to zero.
System Numbers In this field, you can specify a prefix for the company's system numbers. The prefix can be used for differentiating the current company's system numbers from those of other companies, if the Maconomy multi-company model is used. Any prefix entered must be larger than or equal to zero.
Number Series In this field, you can specify a prefix for the company's number series. The prefix can be used for differentiating the current company's number series from those of other companies, if the Maconomy multi-company model is used. Any prefix entered must be larger than or equal to zero.

Sequence Island

Field Description
Reporting Company Select this check box if the company is a reporting company. Only reporting companies can be used when assigning sequence numbers to finance entries and creating opening balances.
Excl. Transaction Type Group If you select a transaction type group, finance entries with transaction types listed in the group are disregarded when Maconomy assigns sequence numbers to finance entries. These finance entries are also disregarded in the creation of opening balance entries.
Sequence Numbering Select a value from the drop-down list to specify the numbering system to use for the company: by transaction number, or by entry.
If you select By Transaction Number, Maconomy provides all entries that have the same transaction number with the same sequence number. If you select By Entry, Maconomy provides each entry with a unique sequence number.
New Sequence per Period - If you select this check box, Maconomy restarts the sequence for each fiscal year period.
Transaction Type - If you select this check box, Maconomy creates a sequence for each transaction type.
Length of Sequence No. In this field, you specify the number of digits for the sequence number part of the combined sequence number. If a sequence number has fewer digits than the number you specify in this field, Maconomy pads the sequence number with leading zeroes. For example, if you specify '6' in this field and the sequence number is '4123', then the sequence number part of the combined sequence number is '004123'.
Transaction Type on Opening Balance Combined Sequence No. If the New Seq. per Trans. Type check box is selected, Maconomy includes the transaction type in the combined sequence number. Maconomy also needs to know which value to use in the combined sequence numbers for opening balance entries. The value you specify in this field is used as the transaction type in the combined sequence numbers for opening balance entries.

Extra Fields Island

Field Description
Text 1-20 In these text fields, you can enter various information about the current company. These are regular text fields, and there are no restrictions as to the type of text that you enter.
Date 1-5 In these date fields, you can enter dates relevant to the company.
Integer 1-5 In these integer fields, you can enter integer information pertaining to the current company.

Miscellaneous Island

Field Description
Compensation Model Description Copy to come.
Price Register In this field, you can enter the name of a price register.
Country List Description Copy to come.
Company Supplement Enter the company supplement to use in the company.
BPM Enter the BPM supplement to use in the company.