Absence Concepts

This workspace enables the following processes:
  • Creating and submitting a new absence request
  • Creating and submitting allowance requests (such as requests for additional time-in-lieu)
  • Viewing a period summary of the employee's own absences
  • Viewing approved and rejected absence requests
  • Viewing approved and rejected allowance requests
Note: For both absence and allowance requests, you can view all requests of all statuses (unsubmitted, submitted, approved, or rejected).

This workspace provides an overview of your total approved absence requests and remaining allowance balance for the current date and period. You can also review your allowance for the vacation period using the Allowance History tab.

General Process

In general, you request absences by creating a request with the start and end dates, and type of absence (such as vacation). An absence approver is notified of such a request, and they can approve or reject the request, and give a reason.

You have a certain number of allowed absence days in a vacation period, and you can only request time that is available in a period.

Note: For complete Absence Management functionality information, including setup, refer to the Deltek Maconomy Reference Guide and Deltek Maconomy Concepts Guide.