Pipeline Fields

This section describes the fields and actions on the Pipeline workspace.

Selection Criteria Panel

Use the available criteria to filter the opportunities that Maconomy displays for the contact company you selected. The application filters the opportunities as soon as you change any of the criteria fields.

Field Description
Company To show the sales opportunities for a specific company, select a company from the drop-down list.
Contact Company To show the sales opportunities for a specific contact company, select a contact company from the drop-down list.
Sales Rep. To show the sales opportunities assigned to a specific salesperson, select a sales representative from the drop-down list.
Expected Closing Date Click the calendar icons to select the expected closing dates and view sales opportunities in that specific time frame.
Include Open Select this checkbox to include open opportunities in your search. This checkbox is selected by default.
Include Won Select this checkbox to include opportunities closed as won in your search. This checkbox is selected by default.
Include Lost Select this checkbox to include opportunities closed as lost in your search.

KPI Boxes

Field Description
Total Sales Estimate This box displays the total sales estimate.
This Quarter This box displays the total sales estimate for the current quarter.
No. of Opportunities This box displays the total number of opportunities available in the specified criteria.


Field Description
Sales Estimate by Closing Month This chart displays the monthly sales estimate with a comparison of the weighted sales estimate and total sales.
Sales Estimate by Sales Rep. This chart displays the weighted sales estimate and total sales of sales representatives.

Opportunities Table Fields

Field Description
Opportunity No. This field displays the sales opportunity number.
Description This field displays a description of a sales opportunity.
Contact Company This field displays the contact company where the sales opportunity belongs.
Sales Rep. This field displays the name of the sales representative assigned to the sales opportunity.
Sales Estimate This field displays the estimated sale from the opportunity.
Probability This field displays the probability percentage rating for whether the opportunity will result in a sale.
Weighted Sales Estimate This field displays the weighted value of the opportunity. The value is equivalent to the probability percentage multiplied by the sales estimate.
Estimated Closing Date This field displays the actual date the opportunity was closed.
Status This field displays the status of the sales opportunity, which can be any of the following:
  • Open
  • Won
  • Lost
Phase This field displays the current phase of the opportunity. The phase changes as the sale progress.

Opportunities Table Actions

Button Description

Click this icon to export the rows from the current table to a spreadsheet.

Maconomy exports the table, and immediately downloads the resulting spreadsheet to your local drive.

Click this icon to maximize the table view.

Click this icon to restore the default display size of the table.

Click this icon to open the Customize Columns window.