Customer Payments Fields

This section describes the fields and actions on the Customer Payments workspace.

Card Part

Field Description
Customer Payment Journal This field displays the customer payment journal name and number to which the customer payment is added.
Customer This field displays the customer name and number.
Created This field displays the date the customer payment journal was created, and the name of the employee who created it.

Enter a control sum that is the expected total of all entries in the journal.

The batch total is calculated as the sum of all of the amounts in the Amount field on the lines in the journal.

Current This field shows the batch total of the journal. The batch total is the sum of the amounts in the Amount field on all lines in the sub-tab.
Balance This field shows the difference between the amounts in the Control and Current fields. If you entered an amount in the field Control field, the customer payment journal can only be posted if the value in this field is 0.
Ready for posting Specify whether the journal should be released for posting.

Card Part Actions

Button Description
+ New Journal Click this action to create a customer payment journal.
Click this icon to refresh data in the current workspace.

Click to display the list view.

Click to display the detailed view.

Save Click this action to save changes to the current record. After saving changes, the record status updates accordingly, and the Save action button is disabled until additional changes are made.
Revert Click this action to undo changes made to the current record, or to any of its lines.
Post Click this action to post the customer payment journal.
Submit Click this action to submit the customer payment journal.
Other Actions

In the Customer Payments tab, this drop-down list includes the following actions:

  • Reopen
  • Delete All Journal Lines
  • Attach Document
  • View Document