Security PIN Authentication

For initial login, Deltek allows you to create a security PIN.

The following are the PIN code requirements:
  • Minimum PIN Length: The minimum PIN code length is six digits by default. However, your system administrator can modify this requirement to allow a minimum of four up to twelve digits.
  • PIN Complexity: You cannot use repeating or sequential digits (for example, 111111 or 123456). However, your system administrator can turn off this requirement.
  • PIN History: You are allowed to reuse previous values when you change your PIN.
  • PIN Expiration: Your PIN is valid up to 90 days by default. However, your system administrator can modify or remove this requirement. If you switch to a different user, change your password, tap Forget me on this device on the Settings screen, or uninstall Deltek Touch, the expiration resets.

To set up your security PIN:

  1. Tap Deltek Touch to launch the application.
  2. On the Login screen, enter your username and password, and tap Log In.
    The first time you log in, you can use either your Maconomy, domain, Azure, OneLogin, or Okta credentials depending on your setup.
  3. Tap Using a PIN code to use PIN authentication for the subsequent times you log on to Deltek Touch.
  4. Tap Continue.
  5. Enter a PIN code and tap the check mark.
  6. Re-enter the PIN code to confirm and tap the check mark.