View the Timesheet Status

You can view the status of your timesheets on the Timesheet screen, and from the timesheet list.

To view the timesheet status:

  1. Tap , and then tap Timesheet.
  2. View the timesheet status on the upper right corner, below the Timesheet screen header. Alternatively, tap to view the status either on the Calendar or Weeks screen.
    Note: You can view your timesheets either for a given day on the Calendar screen, or for a specific period on the Weeks screen depending on your Submit Mode setting. However, both screens display the color-coded timesheet statuses. For more information about the Submit Mode setting, see the Submit a Timesheet procedure.
    The following are the timesheet statuses:
    • Open: The timesheet is open for editing. This status is color coded gray.
    • Due: The timesheet is due, and pending submission. This status is color coded red.
    • Submitted: The timesheet is submitted but awaiting approval. This status is color coded green. Depending on your setup, you can reopen a submitted timesheet to make modifications.
    • Fully Approved: The timesheet is fully approved, and ready for posting. This status is color coded blue and is only applicable in REST.
    • Rejected: The timesheet is rejected. This status is color coded yellow. You can review and modify your rejected timesheets on the Rejections screen.