Screen Display

This section includes the available icons and descriptions in Deltek Touch.

Icon Description
Sliding Menu

This icon displays the Deltek Touch menu. When you tap the icon, the menu slides into view, and you can go to any of the following screens:

  • Timesheet
  • Summary
  • Expense Sheet
  • Quick Capture
  • Mileage Sheet
  • Purchase Order
  • Absence Requests
  • Allowance Requests
  • Approvals
  • Rejections
  • Settings
  • Help
  • Log Out

Go to the Settings screen to display or hide a screen on the sliding menu.

Action Menu

This icon displays an expandable menu of additional actions you can perform on a specific screen.

Toggle Switch

Toggle switches allow you to enable a setting or feature or display a screen.


Depending on the screen you are viewing, you can tap this icon to add timesheets, expense and mileage sheets, purchase orders, or absence and allowance requests.


Tap this icon to save new activities, tasks, and jobs, or any of your changes prior to exiting the screen or application.

Back / Forward arrows

These icons allow you to navigate to and from a screen.

Previous / Next arrows

These icons allow you to navigate to the previous or next item.

View Details

This icon allows you to view or add more details about a specific field or select an option from a list.

Collapse / Expand

These icons allow you to display or hide details on a specific screen.


Tap this icon to view timesheets in a specific week or month. When you tap this icon, the Weeks or Calendar screen displays depending on your Submit Mode setting.


From the Calendar screen, tap these arrows to go to the previous or next month, or same month from the previous or next year.