View the Mileage Sheet Status

You can view the status of a mileage sheet on the mileage sheet list, and on the Mileage Sheet screen.

To view the mileage sheet status:

  1. Tap , and then tap Mileage Sheet.
  2. View the mileage sheet status on the right side of each mileage sheet on the list. Alternatively, tap a mileage sheet from the list, and view the status on the upper right corner on the Mileage Sheet screen. You can view the following mileage sheet statuses:
    • New: The mileage sheet is being created and is not yet saved. This status is color coded gray.
    • In Progress: The mileage sheet is open for editing. This status is color coded gray.
    • Submitted: The mileage sheet is submitted but awaiting approval. This status is color coded green. Depending on your setup, you can reopen a submitted mileage sheet to make modifications.
    • Approved: The mileage sheet is approved. This status is color coded green.
    • Rejected: The mileage sheet is rejected. This status is color coded yellow. You can review and modify your rejected expense sheets on the Rejections screen.