You can include addresses in your mileage sheets using either the address search screens, or the map feature.
, and then tap
Mileage Sheet.
Tap either the Open or All tab, scroll through the list, and tap the mileage sheet you want to modify.
On the Mileage Sheet screen, tap a mileage sheet line.
Enter addresses on the
From, and
To fields.
then tap
Map. By default, the Google Maps application opens. The Google Maps web version opens if the application is not installed in your device or is turned off.
Note: If you enter an inexact address in the
From and/or
To fields, the nearest locations display when the addresses are not located.
The value in the
Distance field usually matches the shortest distance displayed in the map. In some cases, however, there may be minor differences (for example, 10.4 km instead of 10 km). If the language in your device is set to
English (UK), the value in the
Distance field on the Mileage Sheet Line screen is derived from Google Maps in miles.