
The Deltek Touch for Maconomy application is the best way for on-the-go Deltek Maconomy users to not only submit and track time, expenses, and mileage, but also approve time, expenses, vendor invoices, purchase orders, and even draft client invoices. It gives you access to several dialog boxes related to Time Registration and Expenses (both Expense and Mileage) in Maconomy. Even when you are away from the office, immediate mobile device access means Deltek Touch keeps you informed and in control.

This document contains detailed information and instructions on how to use various features of the application.

Note: The official name of the application is Deltek Touch for Maconomy. This document only uses it at first mention. The succeeding instances of the application name display Deltek Touch.

In addition, the application name in Apple App Store is Deltek Touch for Maconomy.