Workspace Shortcuts

You can use these keyboard shortcuts while navigating through workspaces and tabs in Maconomy.

Shortcut Function
CTRL+ARROW_UP When not in keyboard navigation mode, this shortcut will initiate the mode. In keyboard navigation mode, it moves focus form the current tab to the tab in the parent panel, or to a section tab.
CTRL+ARROW_LEFT When in keyboard navigation mode, this shortcut will move focus to the panel to the left of the current panel.
CTRL+ARROW_DOWN When in keyboard navigation mode, moves focus to the panel below the current panel.
ARROW_LEFT , ARROW_RIGHT When in keyboard navigation mode, moves between sibling tabs (tabs on the same level of the workspace hierarchy) and section tabs (left and right, respectively.)
ENTER When in keyboard navigation mode, ENTER ends the mode. If a tab is selected, the panel below the tab will have focus afterwards; if a section tab is selected, the active tab in the workspace below will have focus afterwards.
ESC Press this key to cancel workspace navigation.
CTRL+F6 This shortcut opens the window which lists all the parts (workspaces and menus) that are currently open in Maconomy.
ALT+M Use this shortcut to toggle the workspace area between the maximized and the normal modes.
CTRL+SHIFT+W Use this shortcut to close all workspaces.
CTRL+W Use this shortcut to close the current workspace.
CTRL+ALT+F Use this shortcut to open the Search field.
CTRL+ALT+P Use this shortcut to open the Properties dialog box for the current workspace.