When an Existing Entry Is Updated

When one or more dimension values are updated on an existing entry, the derivation process is the same as when you create an entry (described above).

However, Maconomy will only attempt to derive dimension values from the dimensions for which you have specified a new value. This means that if you change the value of the Location dimension, Maconomy will only try to derive dimension values from the new value in this dimension, even if the other dimensions also have a value (the value they was given when the entry was created).

Note: Dimension values are only derived if Overwrite is selected for the applicable values in the information card which causes the derivation. If you change the value for the Location dimension in an entry, and the location specified derives a value for all dimensions, but Overwrite is only selected for the Entity dimension, only the Entity value is derived to the entry, whereas all the remaining dimensions keep the existing values of the entry.