Reminder Texts Fields

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Reminder Text workspace.

Reminder Texts Card

Field Description
Name In this field, you enter the name of the reminder text. The field is only open for entry upon the creation of a new reminder text.
Remarks Here you can enter a remark about the text.

Reminder Texts Table

Field Description

In this field, you enter the text to be used in the reminder letter.

When Maconomy prints a reminder after it has been approved in the window Approve Reminders, Change Interest Charge Selection or Change Reminder Selection, Maconomy prints the text lines belonging to the highest level which is below or at the customer's reminder level.

Card Part Actions

Button Description
+ New Reminder Text Click this action to create a new reminder text.
Click this action to refresh data in the current workspace.

Click this action to display the list view.

Click this action to display the detailed view.

Save Click this action to save changes to the current record. After saving changes, the record status updates accordingly, and the Save action button is disabled until additional changes are made.
Revert Click this action to undo changes made to the current record, or to any of its lines.
Print Click this action print a reminder text.
Delete Click this action delete a reminder text.