View Vendor Remittance Email Logs

You can view a history of previously sent vendor remittance emails.

You can also limit which log entries to show through the following Vendor Remittance Email selection criteria:

  • Payment No.
  • Company No.
  • Vendor No.
  • Payment Date
  • Logged Date

Furthermore, you can restrict the entries to show the vendor remittance emails with the following status:

  • Found
  • Missing
  • Both
Note: Emails that failed due to setup error with email server, sender, or incorrect remittance email address still shows as successful. If a background task fails, the payment is still marked as sent as a part of a remittance email.

To investigate which remittance emails failed as a part of a failed background task due to setup issues, get the instance key of the background task and look up the VendorRemittanceEmail relation on the BackgroundTaskInstanceKey field. Then, use the RemittanceEmailInstanceKey field on the VendorRemittanceEmailLogs relation to look for the payment logs included on that email.

View Vendor Remittance Email Logs Procedures