View Absences

Employees can also see an overview of their available and booked absence time to help them gage when is the best time for a planned absences.

The Absence tab shows an employee’s absence allowance, as well as used, carried forward, and remaining days for the selected vacation period for each relevant absence types.

There are numerous ways you can view your absences and requests:

  • Color-coded calendar at the top of the Absence workspace shows an at-a-glance snapshot of absences for the month as:
    • Approved (green)
    • Rejected (red)
    • Pending (yellow)
    • Overlap (orange)
    • Negative absence balance (red)
  • Absence Request Sub-Tab has a Show filter which shows which absence requests have been approved or rejected, or other statuses.
  • Year Overview Sub-Tab shows a color-coded calendar with details about your absences for the entire vacation year.
  • Team Overview Sub-Tab shows a list of employees that share a team with the current employee. One team at a time is shown. Each employee’s absence for the selected month is shown in the form of a color-coded calendar. This helps you plan when you can best schedule planned absences.
    Note: Periods of absence with absence types marked as restricted are shown using the private color coding.