Updating Price Revision

Subscription order prices can be maintained in two ways: according to price indexing principles or through an explicit price updating made for a range of subscription orders.

The two methods are described below.

Price adjustment through price index principles

The most flexible, accurate and low-maintenance way of keeping subscription prices up to date is through price indexes. With price index adjustment, you can set up price adjustment rules that match your subscription contacts, thus ensuring that price increases are always in line with contract terms. Furthermore, the price adjustment takes place automatically as part of the subscription invoice preparation, thereby saving time and avoiding miscalculations. As it is possible to set up multiple price index tables, you can work with multiple price adjustment terms depending on the subscription or customer.

For a detailed description of the use and set-up of price index principles, see the window Price Adjustment Principles.

Batch price adjustments

If you wish to update the prices of several subscription orders according to a price list which you keep updated, you can do so in the window Subscription Changes. The changes are carried out, using a cut-off date. The cut-off date is used for defining the price list to be used. When a cut-off date is entered, all subsequent prices concerning the current subscription will be based on the price list valid on the entered cut-off date.

Terminating and Blocking a Subscription

You can terminate a subscription by entering a delivery end date in the window Subscription Orders. If you enter an end date, no issues which are a part of the relevant subscription and published after the end date will be transferred to the subscription order. If a delivery end date is entered, this will lead to an end date for invoicing as well. In such cases, invoicing stops when all deliveries have been carried out.

If you wish to terminate or block a subscription due to the lack of payment, you also enter a delivery end date. This will lead to a blocking of the subscription order as well. You can, however, also block the customer for delivery in the window Customer Information Card. If you choose to block the customer on the customer information card, you also block ordinary sales orders that have no connection to the subscription module.