Template Jobs

A job can also be created on the basis of a template job.

When you wish to create a job on the basis of a template, you can use one of the following two methods:

  • During the creation of a job, you can select the Create from Template check box in the Creation island, and enter values in a number of the fields in this window. If the values entered on the new job uniquely identify a template job, all remaining values (job budget lines, job parameters, job price information, and so on) will be copied from this template to the new job when you press Return. If no unique template can be found, for instance if the values you entered on the new job cannot uniquely identify a template, Maconomy issues a message informing you that no template could be found. In this connection, you should note that a large number of the fields in this window can be used for identifying a certain template. However, this has not been specified explicitly for each of the fields in the field descriptions below.
  • The other method for using a template job is to specify a template job in the Template Job No. field in the Creation island and have the job created on the basis of this template when you press Return.

    A template job is identified as such by selecting the Template check box in the Job island on the job in question. When a job is marked as a template job, it is neither possible to register entries nor to perform invoicing from it, as it should be used as the basis for creating jobs only. Any job can be marked as a template job as long as no registrations have been made on the job.

    On a template job, you do not have to enter values in all fields. For example, the Customer No. and Invoice Layout fields, which are usually mandatory, can be left blank. Moreover, you can assign job parameters, job budgets, job descriptions, task lists and so on to a template job. This allows you to enter only those values on a template job that you want to be transferred to new jobs created on the basis of the template job in question. Note that an entire job hierarchy consisting of a main job and a number of subjobs cannot be marked as a template job by simply marking the main job as a template. Instead, all the relevant jobs must be marked one at a time. See the description of the island Creation for further information about the use of template jobs.