System Parameters Group People Planner

This section describes the system parameters under the People Planner group.

Parameter Description
URL for Resource Management

Enter the URL of the People Planner Capacity Overview page. The general form is: http://<server>:<port> /PeoplePlannerWebComponents / AssignResourcePage.aspx.

If the URL for Resource Management is left blank, the Resource Management workspace is hidden.

Enable People Planner Web

Select this company-specific parameter to enable People Planner-related components and functionality in your web client application.

By default, this parameter is disabled.

Note: Before you can enable People Planner on the web client, you must enable the integration between People Planner and your Maconomy system.
Enable Silent Sign In Select this parameter to enable Silent Sign In for People Planner portal components.
URL for Resource Booking
Show Resource Booking in Job Budgets
Show Resource Booking in Periodic Job Budgets
Show Resource Booking in Progress Evaluation
Show Resourcing Overview Enable this parameter to show the Resourcing Overview workspace. This only shows if this parameter is enabled, the URL for the tab is completed, and the current user role is People Planner-related.
Submit Periodic Job Budget on update from People Planner Select this parameter to automatically submit the budget after clicking the Update Periodic Job Budget from People Planner or Send Job to People Planner actions. This parameter is enabled by default.
Transfer Planning Dates From People Planner
Update Periodic Job Budget Planned Dates on update from People Planner Select this parameter to update the job budget planned dates after clicking the Update Periodic Job Budget from People Planner or Send Job to People Planner actions. This parameter is enabled by default.
Always Allow Send Action If this parameter is enabled, the Send to People Planner button in the Portal and actions in the clients are always enabled. If this parameter is disabled and Integration Status Notes are used, you can only push the job from Maconomy to People Planner once after creation. After this, you can only import it from People Planner.
Create New Budget Revision on Updates If this parameter is enabled, a new revision of the budget is created. The budget is updated using the Import Working Budget from People Planner action in the Job Budgets workspace, or if it is updated, from the People Planner client.
Default Forecast Budget Type Use this budget type when sending a Forecast from the Portal to People Planner.
Default Job Budget Type Use this budget type when sending a job from the Maconomy Client or Portal to People Planner. Possible values are an explicit budget type, for example, Working Budget or @planning. If you enter a value, that value is the budget type sent. If you do not enter a value, the budget type currently shown in Job Budgets is sent. If you enter @planning, the budget type set as Planning Budget for the job is used.
Default Opportunity Budget Type Use this budget type when sending an Opportunity from the Portal to People Planner. Possible values are an explicit budget type, for example, Sales Estimate or @standard. If you select @standard, the budget type sent is the one marked as Standard Opportunity Budget type for the Job Budget Types popup field. If you do not set a value, the @standard type is used.
Enable Custom People Planner Actions
If this parameter is enabled, the following actions are enabled:
  • Send Job to People Planner in the Jobs, Job Budgets, and Job Overview workspaces

  • Send Opportunity to People Planner in the Opportunities and Opportunity Budgets workspaces

  • Import Working Budget from People Planner in the Job Budgets workspace

  • Update ETC from People Planner in the Job Progress workspace

Include Subjobs When Sending Job to People Planner If this parameter is enabled, subjobs are included when the job is sent to People Planner from the Maconomy Client or Portal.
Integration Status Note Type This is the note type used for Integration Status Notes. It shows when jobs integrated with People Planner were last updated successfully. The standard value is Integration Status.
URL for MyPlan WSC Use this URL when showing My Plan in the Workspace Client. The template value is http://SERVERNAME:20002/MyPlan/.
URL for MyPlan Portal The web access of the people planner 'My plan portal' must be entered here to make My Plan available in the Maconomy portal.
Update Total Cost (Base) in Budget If this parameter is enabled, the values in the Total Cost, Base column are overwritten with cost values from People Planner when using the Import Working Budget from People Planner action in the Job Budgets workspace.
Web Service API Namespace Use this namespace when logging in to the People Planner API.
Web Service API Password Use this password if you are entered as the Web Service API User.
Web Service API SOAP Address Use this URL for the People Planner API.
Web Service API User Use to enter a user to be used by the People Planner web service.