System Parameters Group Layout

This section describes the system parameters under the Layout group.

Parameter Description
Show Entity If you enable this parameter, Maconomy displays Entity as a dimension.
Show Job Pre-Invoice Reconciliation in Workspaces If you enable this parameter, Maconomy displays job pre-invoice reconciliation.
Show Local Spec. 1-10

Select the Show Local Spec. checkbox to display Local Spec. 1, 2, 3, and so on, as a dimension in Maconomy.

Clear the check box to hide this parameter from users.

Show Location
Show Project

If you enable this parameter, Maconomy displays Project as a dimension.

If disabled, this dimension is hidden from users.

Show Purpose If you enable this parameter, Maconomy displays Purpose as a dimension.
Show Specification 1-10 If you enable this parameter, Maconomy displays Specification 1-10 as a dimension.
Show Three Tax Levels If you enable this parameter, Maconomy will show three tax levels in all workspaces that include tax code functionality. This parameter is disabled by default. Note that the Show Two Tax Levels parameter must be marked for the parameter to take effect. For instance, the reviously labeled Tax Code field will be replaced by three new fields: Tax Code 1, Tax Code 2, and Tax Code 3.
Show Withholding Tax on Payments If enabled, withholding tax fields are shown in the customer and vendor payment dialogs, by default.
Show Two Tax Levels If you enable this parameter, Maconomy will show two tax levels in all workspaces that include tax code functionality. For instance, the previously labeled Tax Code field will be replaced by two new fields: Tax Code 1 and Tax Code 2. Note that this parameter is disabled by default.
Show Tax Sub Levels

If you enable this parameter, four sub levels for each VAT level display in the layout in Tax Code and G/L Tax Code workspaces, enabling you to enter the rate, posting reference, and VAT type for each sub level.

Sub levels are necessary in some countries that have more than three tax codes for a transaction. These countries have three different tax authorities (VAT reporting units), but one tax authority could collect more than one tax code. With four sub levels for each VAT level, Maconomy splits the VAT posting amount for the given VAT level/code into the different sub levels. The logic in all other dialogs remains unchanged, with Maconomy continuing to show and handle the total VAT amount for the given VAT level/code.

This system parameter is part of the Layout group, used only to control the layout, and is used in Java client in version X1 and 2.0, and started in Workspace client from version 2.1.