System Parameters Group Customer

This section describes the system parameters under the Customer group.

Parameter Description
Aut. company specific customer creation

With this parameter, you can specify that Maconomy is to automatically create a company-specific customer when registrations are made on a customer for which no company-specific customer has been created yet. These registrations can, for example, be made in the General Journal, Quote, Sales Orders, and Jobs workspaces.

If the parameter is disabled, Maconomy shows an error message saying that you are attempting to register information for a company-specific customer which does not exist in the system and that the company-specific customer must therefore be created manually in the Company Specific Customer Information Card workspace before the registration can be made.

Centralized customer creation only

By enabling this parameter, you specify that customers may only be created centrally, that is, in the Customer Information Card workspace. This way, a company-specific customer can only be created in the Company Specific Customer Information Card workspace if the customer has already been created as a customer in the Customer Information Card workspace.

If this parameter is enabled, and a user attempts to create a company-specific customer who has not already been created in the Customer Information Card workspace, Maconomy shows an error message. If the parameter is disabled, you can freely create company-specific customers in the Company Specific Customer Information Card workspace.

Manual release of customer payments

By enabling this parameter, you specify that customer payments must be released manually before they can be posted. Manual release is done in the Customer Payments workspace by selecting the Released field on the lines in the Customer Payments island.

If this parameter is disabled, customer payments will be automatically released for posting automatically at creation. Note that a user can only release customer payments for posting if the Release Payments field is selected for the user in the Permitted Finance Actions island of the Users workspace.

Allow Users to Manually Set Allow Fields on Customers to Yes If this system parameter is disabled, a user does not have the ability to change an Allow field to Yes. If the submitter would like to use the company customer in a certain area, they can change an Allow field to Requested. The system can be set up so that, after approval during a specified step in the workflow, that Allow field changes from Requested to Yes.
Automatic Approval of Customer Payments When this parameter is enabled, imported customer payments are automatically approved. Any reconciliation made against invoices during the import process will also be automatically approved.
Create Customer Entries for Zero Entries If this company-specific system parameter is enabled, Maconomy creates customer entries without an amount. Maconomy can create customer entries without an amount when posting reminders without an amount, and when posting zero-invoices.
Debtor Provisions based on Original Currency
Default Company Customer State This company-specific parameter sets the default value for the Company Customer State field. If this parameter is enabled, then when a new customer is created, the Company Customer State field value is set to the entry in this parameter. The value is set up on the States tab and if you change the value name on that tab, the value in this parameter is automatically updated. If this parameter is not set, the Company Customer State field does not get a value.
Default Customer Aging Principle This system parameter specifies the initial aging principle to be set when opening the Print A/R Aging Report workspace. This can be changed by the user before printing the report.
Default Customer State
Derive default company to customer payments

If this parameter is enabled, the company on the payment journal is suggested as the default company when creating payments in the Customer Payments workspace.

If the parameter is disabled, no default company is suggested when a customer payment is created.

Include tax for debtor provisions

Enable this company-specific parameter to select whether tax should be included or excluded for debtor provisions.

Enter or select a date to update existing open customer entries without approved or posted debtor provisions to include tax.

If you do not choose a date, all open customer entries without approved or posted debtor provisions are updated to include tax.

Note: Customer entries that already have approved debtor provisions are not affected by this parameter.
Margin for customer payment variance
Suggest Company Customer Name as Entry Text If this system parameter is enabled, Maconomy will automatically fill the Entry Text with the chosen customer's name when creating general journal lines.
Unrealized Exchange Rate Variances for Debtor Provisions
Use Customer Level 2-5

These parameters enable the customer hierarchy functionality. Selecting one of these parameters allows you to create a customer on a particular level and makes the hierarchy fields for the selected parameter visible in workspaces where customer hierarchy fields are shown. If a level is not used, the customer hierarchy fields for that level are hidden in the workspaces.

If level 2 is not used, all customer hierarchy fields are hidden.

You must select the parameters in order. For example, you must use level 2 first to use level 3.